Mercy falls


New Metal Member
Dec 5, 2008
Sorry to post that message about cdinzane on this board, it just happens that mercy falls was the cd I ordered and didnt receive and I was waiting so long for it. I think Seventh Wonder are the equivalent of Fates Warning in 1986. I heard Awaken the Guardian and thought I was reborn. Waiting in the Wings gave me that same feeling and to get screwed by cdinzane on mercy falls sucks. I have to wait another week, ordering from someone who will back up their product, to hear it. I cant wait. When will you guys come to America? The young kids here in America wouldnt know good music if it steamrolled over them. I wish I lived in Japan sometimes. Ive been listening to prog metal since A Night on Brocken, Ive met the guys in Symphony x, but the good foreign bands never make it to the US.
I think Seventh Wonder are the equivalent of Fates Warning in 1986. I heard Awaken the Guardian and thought I was reborn. Waiting in the Wings gave me that same feeling
Well... I could say --exactly-- the same about Fates Warning's "The Spectre Within" (or Steel Prophet's "Dark Hallucinations") and "Mercy Falls"!! :)

The young kids here in America wouldnt know good music if it steamrolled over them.
:lol: You're right!! Same here in Germany too, by the way... :rolleyes:
Germany's the absolute Godforsaken barren wasteland regarding musical quality....... :Puke: (at least the music that's played by the majority...)

I wish I lived in Japan sometimes.
Yep - or any random part of Scandinavia for that matter. I really wish I was Finnish (and I'm trying to learn that awfully difficult language :hypno:)...
I just moved Seventh Wonder up on my most talented list, with Symphony x. These are some top notch musicians. I cant believe that MTV plays the crap they play and call it Metal! There is talent out there like the guys in Seventh Wonder and I watch a video clip and there is barely enough room on the stage for the drumset without the guys. They deserve so much more, a huge stage and thousands in the crowds. What is the matter with people and the crap they listen to? How come a band like Seventh Wonder isnt touring arena's? I guess talent has nothing to do with success. Just keep on doing what you guys do and the few of us out here that appreciate hard work and talent, will keep listening.