Hey guys,
I'm quiet new to SW... I basically started to listen to Mercy Falls 2 weeks ago after I saw Kamelot and Tommy was a guest singer... And I have to say, Mercy Falls is really a masterpiece, it's really fucking brilliant. Concerning the cheesiness... all concept albums are somehow cheesy, Ayreon is, Kamelot is, Aina is etc... only if you start to look behind the mask which is carried "on the outside and prevents the inside frim shining through"

you can connect the lyrics to deep feelings... A bit like Lennon singing this cheesy line: "I never ment to hurt you" not meaning hurting Yoko's feelings, but hurting her physically, as it's known that he was beating her and so on... So, for those who think it's cheesy: Try to understand the message and the story, then the cheesy lyrics turn to epic and deep words

Anyways, this album lines up to my favorites.
I was reading your interpretations and I agree with most of them. However, here some of my ideas:
From the beginning the story reminded me of the movie "Stay" with Ewan McGregor. If you haven't seen this movie and you want, stop reading here!

I'm spoiling the the whole idea
So Stay:
A guy is involved in a car crash and lies unconscious on the street. A crowd is standing around him, some are talking to him and are trying to wake him. However, this is the last scene. What happens before is the following: that this guy is walking around and strange things are happening... strangers are talking to him... He meets all the time the same people... So, basically he is dreaming in his unconscious state and incorporating every noise, scent, feeling, face, picture etc into his dream.
I think the comatose protagonist is experiencing the same. So, he really hears all the people talking to him and he is absorbing everything into the imagined world in Mercy Falls.
I don't have such an overview, because I'm still not so familiar with the whole story, so sorry if make some major mistakes.
Who is visiting him? Mother, Wife, Son. Ok, also the Doctor, but he isn't very close to him, so I would leave him out. From this point of view:
1. Theory: He is himself, the widow is his mother because of the back hurting thing.
But, why the hell did she forgot about him and is alone etc? There would be no reason. But:
2. Theory: The widow is his wife. This makes somehow maybe sence, as she has alcohol issues in the real world, the son is noticing that they are not honest with him ("I smell their little lies, Father"... I wouldn't say Father=God, it doesn't fit in this whole thing in my opinion...), she is basically responsible for the death of the father... Somehow it seems to me, that this is somehow a future vision. When she will be a widow and depressed, an alcoholic etc and forgets about his son, or he turns away from her.
So, maybe the widow is both... wife and mother? considering that he's catching pieces of the real world and putting them together in his mind.
However, I will think about this whole second idea a bit more carefully, as it's not consistent, yet.
I would agree that the Storm is the Bone marrow which was transplanted and so Mercy Falls should be himself, his body (his mind, his feelings, memories?). After he looked in the mirror and realized the solution for this riddle, he feels he is ready to escape from Mercy Falls... Which would mean, that his soul is ready to be released from his body, as his body is dead.
However, on the other hand it feels that he is ready to come back alive to the real world, as his mind isn't struggling anymore, but his body is destroyed. So, first it was his mind which was holding him back and now it's his body which doesn't allow him to return. However again

, this makes no sense considering that they are stopping the machines, which is somehow the most tragic part of the story.
So, maybe the town is not destroyed by the storm, the bone marrow is accepted and his son is really his son, and his wife was wrong with her theory. Then he is really ready to come back, but they are shutting off the machines at the same moment...
Maybe it seems strange, but what if the story is written in such a way, that it is "Two Stories":
First listening:
In the beginning you know: He is the father, his son is his biological son. But it is not the truth. He is not the biological son. Therefore his body dies because of the transplant. But in his mind he is ok with it, so he is ready to go to heaven. Also his wife is letting go of him. So the stroy has an happy end.
Second listening:
In the beginning you know: He is not the biological father. This is why you assume, that he will not accept the transplant. But he is infact the biological father. So, he is accepting it. He is ready to return, but his wife stops the machine... Bad ending.
Do you have some arguments which are showing that this Two Story Theory is wrong? Was Mercy Falls destroyed by the Strom? I mean it was a bad storm, but is there a hint if it's completely destroyed?
Probably I'm overinterpreting because I only listened and read the lyrics twice till now. But if this would be correct and they wrote Two Stories in One Story, then these guys are really genii.