Take the "evil test"...

[size=+1](Score: 200 out of 200) [/size]
[size=+3]Extremely EVIL![/size]

[size=+1]You are the epitome of evil. Not only do people and animals steer clear of you when they have a choice, but your gaze can terrify even the most steadfast of creatures, and can even wilt plants! Everyone who comes into contact with you is afraid of you, and when you speak people are mysteriously entranced by your words, sometimes even absorbing some of the evil energies that you project like a bright aura. Everywhere you go, people begin to treat each other in a petty and cruel manner. We admire your ability, and are quite proud to call you evil. You are making fantastic strides in our cause. To call you a demon seems almost an understatement. You suck the life out of everything, ruining the joy that people take in even the simplist of every-day activities. You yourself are incapable of feeling bad about anything evil, nor do you feel good about what you do since 'good' is as alien to you as not breathing. Being evil is a way of life for you, and you know no other existence. Revel in your evil nature, and go forth and continue your rampage of destruction, cruelty, corruption, and so on. Our thanks to you, you give us something to strive for ourselves! [/size]
Your EVIL Test Results
[size=+1](Score: 113 out of 200) [/size]
[size=+3]Fairly Evil[/size]

[size=+1]You are definitely doing some fine work for us, you evil thing you! We're proud of your efforts to corrupt the world in which we exist. We can only hope that you will continue in your efforts to be destructive and cruel in the future. While you are certainly considered an asset to us, you will find that there is still room for improvement. If you can refrain from killing them, some of the other evil people around you may give you some inspiration or ideas on how you can continue to grow in your state of being evil. At this stage you are certainly prospering sufficiently to be one of our honored friends. Come to the dark side, you know you want to! [/size]

I was mostly honest. :p :Spin:
54 out of 200...... 27% evil.

That's about what I expected. What more could be expected from a hippie-progger-metal-head though ? >:P~ Bryant loves everyone and everything, but metal-heads get the best seats in Bryant heaven.

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Your EVIL Test Results

(Score: 70 out of 200)

Somewhat Evil

You've managed to achieve some evil in your life, though you probably feel that it isn't enough. Your soul (assuming you haven't sold it yet) searches for answers and meaning. You constantly worry about not being able to find the next step on the ladder of evil, and you remain fearful that your evil streak could end at any time if you don't soon find ways of being more evil, more cruel, and more destructive. Worry not, for we are here to help. Just follow the Evil-People link down at the bottom of this page.

how lame.
Very silly test.A true computer nerd wannabe evil test.
And i know for sure that no one on this forum is even close to evil.You all enjoy ur cheesy power and pop metal.
Your EVIL Test Results
(Score: 47 out of 200)
Mildly Evil
You really must try harder, scum! If you really want to be evil, you'll have to be more cruel, more devious, more conniving, and more confident! People probably already suspect that you are a little different, though they most likely think that you are merely irritable, prone to mood swings, or just plain cocky. If you want to acheive anything, you'll need to be more assertive with your evil tendencies. Try blowing something up, or even try spreading rumors about a co-worker's sexual orientation. That would be a good start, but be careful not to rest on your laurels.
Divine_intent said:
Very silly test.A true computer nerd wannabe evil test.
And i know for sure that no one on this forum is even close to evil.You all enjoy ur cheesy power and pop metal.

:eek: :waah: And I thought it was a serious test!!! Damn! You shouldn't spoil my dreams man! This test PROVES I am evil!! :yell:

:Smug: Without you, I would never realise that this test is so silly...lol

And btw, I hate power metal and I LOVE Pop Metal...I think that's better for ya. :tickled:

Your EVIL Test Results

(Score: 123 out of 200)

Fairly Evil

You are definitely doing some fine work for us, you evil thing you! We're proud of your efforts to corrupt the world in which we exist. We can only hope that you will continue in your efforts to be destructive and cruel in the future. While you are certainly considered an asset to us, you will find that there is still room for improvement. If you can refrain from killing them, some of the other evil people around you may give you some inspiration or ideas on how you can continue to grow in your state of being evil. At this stage you are certainly prospering sufficiently to be one of our honored friends. Come to the dark side, you know you want to!

Of course I lied like a preacher on this test, but that just proves I have no morals, doesn't it? :)