Dark Water
Good and evil are both subjective, depending on each person. Religion, society, culture, friends, family, these all are factors that influence a persons conception of right and wrong. It is difficult to view the world in a "right/wrong mode". Not everything is black or white, there is a multitude of colors all around you. Lets take this situation, for example: A man with a knife attacks you. You, fearing for your life, fight back. Accidentally, during the fight you kill the person. Who's guilty, and who's not? The attacker - guilty for attacking you. You - guilty for killing him. Even if you were fighting for your own life, even if it was an accident, you killed a person, another human being, therefore you are a killer-GUILTY. A judge who gives a death penalty is also guilty (according to this concept).
In other words, what I consider right, others may consider wrong, what I consider evil, others may consider good. it is as simple as this and still too complicate to be put in words.
In other words, what I consider right, others may consider wrong, what I consider evil, others may consider good. it is as simple as this and still too complicate to be put in words.