Taking a new approach


Feb 1, 2008
So, I recently picked up Addictive Drums. At first I found it to be almost useless when giving it a try. Since then, I've definitely learned how to make decent use of it. I always used to use DKFH with EZ Drummer, and I was always quite satisfied. I had been extremely satisfied with my last few mixes, but here I decided to start from scratch and start recording some of my band's riffs.

I realize the guitar tone needs work. It is Guitar Rig 4 with C4 and I only did one take of each riff, so we all know this is might be far from tight at some times. One guitar all left, one guitar all right and one bass track. I tried a ton of EQing on the guitar when I first started this thing up today, but I found that I really need those highs that I had been cutting.

Overall, my other mixes are much better in a way, but I am still learning and would like to know what could make this better. If you have any suggestions at all, I will be glad to hear them! Thanks!


Please excuse the shittyness. The leads at the very end was me messing around and obviously fucking up and then just continuing to play random notes. I actually found it sounds ok, and I like weird, off, jazzy type shit, so meh.



Of course! There we go. That's definitely an improvement! I think you guys know where I went wrong, I can't believe I forgot all about it. Anything else? On another side note, I saw Boris last night, and can't hear all too well today, haha.

I was told that adding some highs on the master would help this mix out a bit, and so I did.


I think it's definitely improving!
Rhythm guitars sound mono or something, no stereo width. Also, I'm not really digging the tone you've got. Drums sound pretty good though and I think some more bass guitar would really help.
Right. They always seem to sound mono... actually you are the one who always points that out on my mixes, haha. I don't know what else I could do. Maybe some kind of stereo imaging plug in? Definitely working on the tone and will take care of the bass. Glad you like the drums.
Yeah whoah those rhythm guits are totally mono in the center of the mix. Either you are copy+paste'ing the track or you have something fucked up with panning or bussing, are you using a MONO plug-in on a STEREO track? That usually will make the track output in mono.
I first thought you might use only one instance of Guitar rig, that would explain the monoism. But It really doesn't sound like the rythm is doubletracked at all. Or are such a tight player that you can record 2 takes and they sound exactly the same summed to mono? Especially impressive you managed to pull of exactly the same string noise, in the exact same time and the exact same length...
digging the source sounds, i imagine this would sound pretty fucking cool mixed differently.

i've noticed with guitar rig it wouldn't let me pan. solo the guitar track(with GR4 on it), export it and bringing it back in as the wav.
then it should let u pan. worked for me.
just make a copy of the DI incase u wanna change the tone later.
