Taking Maiden to the unbelievers

PIV Bassman

Apr 17, 2001
Here and There in Melbourne
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I just scored a new job in a design studio in St Kilda Road and as you'd expect it's the heart of yuppiedom. Lots of wankers in expensive suits, etc and people who are generally not into metal to put it mildly.

We have a shared studio stereo and I have been playing Maiden albums to the great dismay of my co workers! Edward The Great and Seventh Son have had a run so far. No one has actually said anything but I know they hate it haha, although I did catch one of the techno fans humming along to 2 Minutes to Midnight....

I aim to have them all converted to Maiden fans in around six months... well. either that or I'll be out of a job!

Up the Irons!
Most unbelievers I know are also blithering idiots who wouldn't know a good tune if it bit 'em on the behind. The trouble with the ignorant masses is that some of them don't *want* to be educated :rolleyes:.

Worse still, they expect me to listen to Elvis and The Village People without a word of complaint :puke:

My girlfriend is an unbeliever, but she is cool cause she respects most of the stuff I listen to (except some of the death, thrash, ect). I played her some Dream Theater and said 'you gotta respect that musicianship, even if you think it sucks', and she agreed haha. :)
Let's go to an alternate universe where there was no Elvis, and see what music would be like now. Hey, let's ditch the Beatles as well while we're at it.
That's good then. Because while I think everyone is entitled to an opinion, I don't respect anyone who doesn't like the Beatles. Horrid, ghastly people!! :mad: