Taking Maiden to the unbelievers

i liked Elvis when he was underground......

seriously i just can't stand Elvis or The Beatles. Don't hate me for it, i just think they are talentless hacks.

The Beatles have more cred then Elvis. What would the music world be like without Elvis? .....Better!
I dont listen to Celine Dions music, but I can tell she has talent, she isnt just a talentless hack, how can you say Elvis or The Beatles are talentless hacks?

The mind boggles...!
dude, My dislike for The Beatles or Elvis has nothing to do with my website. It is my opinion and im sticking by it.

I like a lot of music, quite a lot of non hard rock or metal too. I listen to lots of shit from Elton John, Billy Joel, CCR, Michael Jackson, Bee Gees, John Butler Trio, Ben Folds etc so you can't see i dont like it just because its not metal. That is bullshit.

its a sad day when one can't express their own opinion..
I mostly like The Beatles. Mostly.

People like Elvis neither appeal to nor shit me too much. They're just there. Or not, in the formerly fat one's case.
Haupy, while you're here you should fix the URL in your sig - looks like you've put a space before the www so it doesn't work properly when you click on it.
I never said that Elvis was talentless, I said that he was a hack, and I stand by it. If anyone wants an explanation I will give you one when I can be bothered typing it out. :)

As for The Beatles, they were very talented, and while I am not a huge fan of their work, I have great respect for them, as I said earlier. :)