taking of ones own life

Suicide should be more accepted in our culture. I don't really understand how we can let ourselves believe that suicide automatically means someone is depressed and messed up. There's nothing wrong with killing yourself for those reasons, but those aren't the only reasons.

The truth is, suicide can be an invaluable tool in life. If you're truly ready and willing to kill yourself, then 90% of the world's burdens are obsolete to you. Your boss wants you to do some shit you don't want to do? Fuck it, test him, if you lose your job, so what? No money to eat, so what? People trying to pressure you into things with mindgames, screw them, what can they do? You can still live as normal a life as you want but you're immuned to the thing that forces most people into lives they don't want. If things ever get bad, you can just die. And death isn't a bad thing, all pain goes away forever. And pushing limits like that has yet to land me in the gutter.

Everyone can do what they want with their life, but I'd much rather live a fun, carefree life of excess. I don't personally understand the value of living a grueling 80 year life where you're holding back every day and working your ass off as a slave to the system. I'd much rather use up those resources quickly and have my life be a truly amazing and satisfying experience for me.

I'm also with Winter 100%. Just because somebody else thinks they ought to "move on" doesn't mean that it's the right choice for them, and just because everybody experiences pain doesn't mean that suiciders don't have a more than fair reason to kill themselves. It really is their life to do with as they please, and anyone who would want somebody to live a joyless pain-filled life just so their family won't have to go through the inconvenience of losing them is being as selfish as they're accusing the suiciders of being.

P.S. The vatican also decided a year or two ago that suiciders no longer go automatically to hell because of their suicide.

Very well said. :notworthy
Fuck Yeah, I agree with suicide, I think when a person reaches that point where they don't want to live anymore, and they are left with nobody or nothing they want in life, it is not an excuse, they just don't want to deal with the bullshit sufferring,, the problem is,, dying quick and painlessly, I tried hanging myself twice, but I took myself off being that I was able to jump off, and well it fucking hurt too much, try overdosing, well I don't see pounds of dope in front of me if I did, that would be my way to go out,, Hate your parent's hate your friends,, hate the world around you throwing you away in shit,,, nice Idea to go off with a bang, that's what's difficult to find,, i guess I will put it off till I get enough money and dope transported HAHAA
really it's not something I'm attempting to do at this point. I am just saying, when you have fucked up, and you don't get anything you want out of life along with all of the possibly horrifying situations that can happen with no support from others, you're basically left alone with yourself. Like I was mentioning though, the way I'd like to go out is after I've become a successful musician, had enough money, and every kind of hard drug to od on, but there's never enough of that.
successful people dont even consider, its typically after all that has been lost, with adults that is, youth is an entirely different thing going on.
successful people dont even consider, its typically after all that has been lost, with adults that is, youth is an entirely different thing going on.

I disagree with that statement. Ernest Hemingway, Hunter S Thompson, Brad Delp and Sylvia Plath, just off the top of my head. A case could maybe be made for Hemingway having lost everything but the rest hadn't lost anything tangible or specific.

As Jimi Hendrix once pointed out, sometimes it's easier to be upset when you're succesful. I mean, everybody's got problems, it's not a pissing contest. But money doesn't buy happiness even if people who don't have a lot of it sometimes pretend it would. Some people don't get any comfort out of being ridiculously wealthy, unimaginably talented, and adored by countless people. There are other things that can ruin all that. And surely you must get used to it after a while, just like anything. And being famous can bring unfathomable pressures. There's a lot of old famous people who kill themselves.
I know most seem to say a cop out, a weakness, lame, coward, ect. Myself I dont feel this way, I believe a threshold can be met where one does not see any possible silver lining and is in essence relieving their agony. I also feel at this time one has to consider those they will be leaving in anguish by such an action and perhaps in this find strenght to pull it together.

I don't believe it's weak, or cowardly. I think the decision to take your own life would be the hardest to make. I've known people that killed themselves, and I've understood why they did it. I would have thought it selfish of me to tell them to stick around, had I known they were going to do it. It is your own free will, your life to do with it as you wish.

To the poster who said people do it for attention: People who really want to do it, usually don't let anyone know. They make that decision some time before they're going to do it, and don't let on.

As far as leaving others behind; they're not resonsible for your life, anymore than you'd be resonsible for theirs. You don't live for them, and they're certainly not doing anything to make you want to stick around.
the argument of selfishness doesn't bother me at all, since a lot of choices i make in my daily life is selfish choices. i am the only one thinking of what's best for me.

however, you can do it in different ways. to force others to "participate" is not a very nice alternative. when it comes to the choice itself, it's up to you. but i do believe that you need some consideration about the consequences of how you do it.

brave or weak? neither i would say.
I have very strong feelings abut suicide. I do not believe it to be pointless or necessarily cowardly. But I do see it as quitting and giving up, which is never the answer when it comes to your life. No matter how bad things are, no matter how miserable your life is, make a fuckin effort and work through it. if there's no silver lining, you're not looking hard enough. If everything in your life is bad, at least you have a life, you're not lying in a hole in the ground or in a pile of ashes is an urn, or in a gutter with a bullet in your brain. You are alive, so be grateful for that and keep on fighting. Suicide is tragic, but it is also selfish and inconsiderate. These people don't seem to consider the people they leave behind when they take their own life, their families, their friends, even their enemies. I just think that their is no personal problem that cannot be worked out, and one should not just "give up" and kill themself, because it's a waste... just a waste.