taking the mic:"1-2-1-2...OK... I'd nicely ask the homo/s...


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
who have some critics for my way of thinking, expressing myself and being the way I am (who could cyber-know that at all?), to put their signature next to the comment that adds to the negative point. all the signed objections are taken into consideration. others are considered to be "I shit on my pants, you stupid cow, can't tell you my name 'cause you'll throw shit at me. errr... thank you." going off the stage.

homo, if you are writing for my reputation scale, you are talking to me, so look me in the eyes, and don't tell mama on me: "she is....." it goes "you are..." thanks again.

The Lotus Eaters
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no, metalized woke up on that side of the bed.
fine day today. truths are coming from many sides, interesting things I get to hear.
it was one fine msg to the person that will recognize himself..... as him.... :D
TheSin, relax, it wasn't directed to your wife.
Hemi, thanks for the comment. I appreciate it. hope you removed me from your ignore list by now. LOL :)
Forbidden, yeah, it really is Ubu.
I remember that sit ubu sit thing from like the production company logo clip at the end of TV shows back in the day (80s??).... is that where it originated ???

PS - I don't give out negative reputation points (unless by accident, ha ha ha)

PPS - now playing - emperor : chrometheus