Talk about stuff!


Nov 29, 2002
Stuff is good!

Sorry, I'm bored! Someone hit me up on AIM or Yahoo! if you have either one:
AIM: AlosernamedTara
Yahoo!: cadaveric_splatter_platter
I suck at video games even though I play GTA Vice City everyday of my life. Right now my friend and I are making spooky black metal faces at each other on Yahoo! webcam.
It sounds rivetting.
Spy Hunter is easy. All you need to use are the cursor keys and the space bar. You get to run other cars off the road and shoot them in the process. What more could you want? You even get to listen to your own heavy music as you do, so you can feel just like Dave Mustaine a la 502 era!
I am bored regularly, so i bought a PS2 a few months ago. I need to finish GTA3 (I'm almost done) so I can buy Vice City...=/ Also playing Hitman 2, although its probably better on PC, control-wise.

No, that sounds cool...but I've been drinking so there's a chance I may mess it up big time.
Originally posted by Wandrail
I am bored regularly, so i bought a PS2 a few months ago. I need to finish GTA3 (I'm almost done) so I can buy Vice City...=/ Also playing Hitman 2, although its probably better on PC, control-wise.

I'm not done with GTA 3 yet either. :(
Haha it has You've Got Another Thing Comin' and Two Minutes To Midnight!!! That alone sold me that game. I have that damn Tony Hawk thing because it has Number of the Beast on it hahaha...well, its kind of fun as well, but...D:<
Puppies: smelly and crap all over the place, but hell I love animals. I just don't like little...poodly things. Boobs? Uh...whats to discuss? They're fantastic.
Hahaha...and about Tony Hawk 4...the thing that pisses me off are that its totally full of those quirky little missions, and some of them aren't very obvious as to how to go about them. They end up being alot of trial and error, and it aggravates me D:<.
Now you're making me talk on here again! :p Damn you!

I always hated those missions in the Tony Hawk games. I'm horrible at all of them.