Talk about stuff!

Originally posted by bodomite
speaking of which where is yer avatar from???

:lol: :lol: :lol:

okay uhhhmmm im going home (walks off) :lol:

Here's a picture of one of the various covers made for Meet the Feebles:

Originally posted by Sonnenritter
I usually use the explanation "Muppets on crack" and that seems to work for the most part. I still laugh like a hyena when the rabbit gets AIDS.

Me too!
Harry the Rabbit rules, but I really dig the heroin frog, hence the avatar. :)
Vice City is so much better, IMO. You can jump out of your car, fly helicopters, and use a katana!

Oh, and I found a recorded copy of MtF! It's shitty quality, but I needed to watch it, like an addict needs his fix.
Originally posted by tara
Poor guy. :(
Hey if you're so bored, whydon't you go out or something?

:eek: Go...OUT? Do...SOMETHING?! ...these concepts are foreign to me...

There's only two things to do around here: jack and shit "and jack just left town".
Same here, which is why the only thing I have to look foward to tonight is this goddamn high school reunion I'm going to. :-/
I hated The Sham Mirrors, except for the song Ihsahn sings on. It seemed too.. I don't know what the word is, forced. Like they were making themselves write music that's "original". It falls short of the Arcturus standard, IMO.
Oh god...high school reunion? -shudder- If I attended one at oh...any of the 4 high schools I ended up going to, I would be miserable. I hated high school.
Originally posted by Wandrail
Oh god...high school reunion? -shudder- If I attended one at oh...any of the 4 high schools I ended up going to, I would be miserable. I hated high school.

I'm definately not all that excited about this but I already paid for it and everything. Plus, it's something to do. :( I guess.
Originally posted by Sonnenritter
But now that I think about, I don't think they liked me enough to invite me. :(

Trust me, I'm suprised I was even invited. I was a total bitch in high school.