Talk about stuff!

Yeah, me too, I just like rolling around doing...stupid tricks. I am easily amused. I somehow am good at Hitman 2, even though I always end up in massive gunfights, which is what you're supposed to avoid. =( Its just so much fun to kill them...
Originally posted by Wandrail
Yeah, me too, I just like rolling around doing...stupid tricks. I am easily amused. I somehow am good at Hitman 2, even though I always end up in massive gunfights, which is what you're supposed to avoid. =( Its just so much fun to kill them...

Ever play Super Smash Brothers? I would kick your ass in that, guarantee. :)
No I have no Gamecube. I did buy Contra though, it crushes, just like when I was 6 \m/. Except this one is ten times fucking harder. Its basically impossible boss battle after impossible boss battle.
Well, I'm currently playing Age of Mythology, Battlefield 1942 and IWD2. Age of Mythology kicks a lot of ass, I love being Loki and having berserker vikings rampage those wimpy egyptians :D

GTA is fun for an hour, I haven't played vice city. I heard a lot of good things about it, though.
This computer lacks the muscle and bandwidth to make Battlefield 1942 fun =(. I must buy a new one soon, Doom3 will be out before I know it...
Originally posted by Wandrail
This computer lacks the muscle and bandwidth to make Battlefield 1942 fun =(. I must buy a new one soon, Doom3 will be out before I know it...

Well, when you do buy something new, steer clear of the Radeon 9700 Pro card. I had a shitload of problems with it, so I sold it. The GeForce4 TI 4600 does me quite fine, and can handle the best resolution for any game I play.
You going to build your own or buy from someone like Alienware (expensive as hell though)? I build computers as a hobby, which is why I have about 10 scattered through-out the house. I guess this subject could be considered 'stuff':confused:
If not, oh well! :spin: :)
I haven't decided...i've not built one entirely from scratch before, although I would like to. I just would be very impatient waiting for the parts and putting it together. I might go with Alienware, or I might be a cheapskate and buy a fucking Dell and swap out a thing or two.
Alienware definatley makes a badass machine, Pricy but worth it for what they are, Cheaper just to build a system, Thats usually what I do;)
Originally posted by kamikaze
Alienware definatley makes a badass machine, Pricy but worth it for what they are, Cheaper just to build a system, Thats usually what I do;)

Definitely, but what you pay $3000 dollars for at Alienware, you can build yourself for half the price. Most of the stuff is very easy to put together. All basically just plugging into open sockets.

If you get a Dell, you'll probably want to buy a new motherboard. The mother boards they use still runs SD-Ram.. you want DDR-Ram! It makes a huge difference with games like Battlefield 1942.
BUT, with the Alienware, you're also paying for top of the line components.... How much does a similar type case cost from someone else, probably about $300-400.

I build my own stuff, but it would be nice buing one of the high-end gaming PCs...
Yeah, DDR!!! I like the new KT400's!! (Yes Im a AMD man) And your right they are very easy to put together, and think of the pride you'll own everytime you fire that fucker up that you put it together yourself ;) The only downside really is that you only get component to component tech support and not for the entire machine, But hey!, Ive never needed it ;)
Well, since plug and play actually works now, there's little need for tech support, unless you're a goon.

Besides, I like selecting my own components... I need to do some major upgrades for Doom3 :yow:
ahaha, my friend is a complete moron and often asks me questions you would hear from a 90 year old man, like.. "Where does the mouse plug into?" or "What's a RAM do?". It makes me feel like Steve Jobs.
Originally posted by kamikaze
Alienware definatley makes a badass machine, Pricy but worth it for what they are, Cheaper just to build a system, Thats usually what I do;)

Alienware-said in Homer Simpson-ish voice. :eek: