Talk about the first time you met JONAS!!


Welcum 2 my funeral
For me... it was the most amazing 30 seconds of my life! I truly feel as though all of my lifelong dreams were fulfilled on that fateful day in 2000.

'Twas Milwaukee Metalfest... I'd driven 20 hours at the tender age of 17 in hope of catching just a glimpse of the man that many believe too sexy to be real!

My heart pounded as I saw him across the room... each step closer feeling like another eternity had lapsed...

Lord Darksoul: "OMG... I LOVE YOU JONAS"

Jonas: *keeps staring at the ground and mumbles*

Lord Darksoul: "Can I have my picture taken with you Jonas??????? I'll use this shitty $5 disposable camera and the picture will look horrible on the internet?!!!"

*camera flashes*


Jonas: *knods and keeps staring at the ground*

It was the best... I enjoyed it so much that I used MS paint to make the picture into a heart shape! I will remember and cherish this moment for the rest of my life! Oh, and Jonas is quite possibly the whitest man EVAR!!!


I would like to hear similarly awesome stories!!!
Lord Dark Soul is back!Be careful not to be banned another time!
We already know this "love story" and already saw that pic some years ago, he he...

But it´s true that Jonas always looks at the ground or somewhere else when you are talking with him!:)
Dude... what are u trying to achieve with these kind of threads?
Do you just want attention.. positive or negative?
Sorry I dont like to insult people but I dont see the need of these stupid comments...
I even feel like I shouldnt post at all but it really irritates me...
Daniel L. said: Jonas really is "all that"...i mean, hello...

You are just envious, he he... shall we open a thread on how sexy Daniel is ?:)
In any case you win the award for "the most naked Katatonia band member"