talking about music -- how absurd IS it???

" 'Well,' he said with equanimity, 'you see, in my opinion there is no point at all in talking about music. I never talk about music. What reply, then, was I to make to your very able and just remarks? You were perfectly right in all you said. But, you see, I am a musician, not a professor, and I don't believe that, as regards music, there is the least point in being right. Music does not depend on being right, on having good taste and education and all that.'​

'Indeed. Then what does it depend on?'​

'On making music, Herr Haller, on making music as well and as much as possible and with the intensity of which one is capable. That is the point, Monsieur. Though I carried the complete works of Bach and Haydn in my head and could say the cleverest things about them, not a soul would be the better for it. But when I take hold mof my mouthpiece and play a lively shimmy, whether the shimmy be good or bad, it will give people pleasure. It gets into their legs and into their blood. That's the point and that alone. Look at the faces in a dance hall at the moment when the music strikes up after a longish pause, how eyes sparkle, legs twitch and faces begin to laugh. That is why one makes music.' "​


so how much time are we wasting talking about music on forums? are we here simply for the people we meet? for off-topic discussions on all subjects? for simple reccomendations on what is good and what is not? is it even worth it to say "band x is better than band y because..."? simply put: when does one simply go from enjoying the music that moves them to taking out needless criticism on bands they don't?​
note: this was gonna go into my sig, but it is too big.:erk:

Black Winter Day said:
simply put: when does one simply go from enjoying the music that moves them to taking out needless criticism on bands they don't?
I get alot of joy from criticizing and making fun of bands I don't like. It's all in good fun.
You're right, I do need to read Hesse.

I think we're a gathering of people joined by similar tastes in music, and all that other human crap just comes along for the ride. There are obvious cliques amongst the many forums here, there's a reason you see the same people in the same forums time after time.

I have no problems debating music any more than I do religion, philosophy, etc. As long as one remembers that there really aren't any wrong answers (within logic and reason of course), debating such topics is a blast. This isn't math folks, you can't add up the tabs to show how much better one band is than another. :loco:
Of course mozst of it is down to opinions. Not always of course - Iron Maiden Play Heavy Metal is fact, St Wanker Is A Shit Album is fact too (whether fanboys like it or not!). But for the most part nobody is necessarily 'right', but that's not what it's about really. Sharing opinions can be fun, interesting and informative :) so there's nothing aburd at all about talking about music!
Personally, I think responding to music criticism by saying that the very idea of criticism is worthless and that it is impossible to reconcile the subjective with the objective is a huge copout. Although I can understand why someone would question the purpose of expressing opinions in open debate when arguments consist of little more than personal bias.
markgugs said:
I can't understand how you folks don't realize that there are too right and wrong opinions!
Well sure there are, but a statement like "Ride the Lightning is better than Master of Puppets!" cannot be proven or disproven. Besides, something like that isn't even worth debating, because everyone in their right mind knows Ride The Lightning is far superior. :loco:
NAD said:
Well sure there are, but a statement like "Ride the Lightning is better than Master of Puppets!" cannot be proven or disproven. Besides, something like that isn't even worth debating, because everyone in their right mind knows Ride The Lightning is far superior. :loco:
I was gonna say, of course that can be proven! Ride The Lightening slays, Master Of Puppets is a tad dull in comparison. The proof is in the music!