Tandjent (Debut Album)


New Metal Member
Sep 17, 2005
Hey guys,

My band Tandjent just released our debut album, "No One Will Hear Us", a couple weeks ago. It was recorded, mixed and mastered entirely in my little home studio and we're very happy with the results. I know a lot of you guys are big into home recording and I just wanted to share some clips with you.


People seem to be really liking the album so far and most are surprised that it came out of a home studio. If you dig the samples, be sure to hit our website for more info about how to get the CD and stuff.

www.tandjent.com or www.myspace.com/tandjent

Kudos to Andy for sharing his recording knowledge! I know I've gotten a tip or two from this forum. ;)

Tim Stevenson
I like that break in paralyzed at :30

Dude .. No offense, cuz I dig Meshuggah in a big way.. but your band/this project IS pretty much Meshuggah.

Dont get me wrong, it's TIGHT, it's clear, great mix... But if I was blindfolded and gun to my head forced to pick which was Meshuggah... I'd have a very hard time, especially after hearing those very much Freddy T inspired leads...

It is fantastic product... absolutely. Want to cement how great it sounds but. If you were the second coming of Edward Van, I'd say "good job, but where is YOUR sound?"

This sounds SO MUCH like Meshuggah in fact, that I'm almost wondering if some cat posted a leak to post catch 33 Meshuggah. =)

Sounds good though, dude!! Sounds really good.... But certainly NOT ORIGINAL. =(
If you listen to more.. it's quite varied throughout the album. And I think the leads on a whole only hint at a Thordendal vibe sometimes.

I think it'd really only be fair to say all that about 'Human Antidote' and maybe some other parts scattered throughout.

I have the album by the way.
Well.... I've fired these clips numerous times, and congrats on being the worlds best Meshuggah cover band whilst doing originals?

I'm NOT being a dick.. I really DO like the sound, but it "feels" like I just bought the new Meshuggah album.
Yeah.....very very very much like Meshuggah. Between you guys and Acle it's Meshuggah mania!!!!!
Not knocking you or Meshuggah either..... I've been a fan of Fredrik, Tomas and Meshuggah since D.E.I.!! And I get to hang out with the Human Time Clock...Tomas next month!!! :headbang:

Meshuggah vibe=A
Originality = ?
Production is Great Man!!!

congrats on your c.d. sales

What do you use? I know D.F.H. but what else?
It's all good man. I appreciate your comments.

We are heavily influence by Meshuggah, of course, as well as many other metal bands though. Meshuggah's production is top notch and I think sets the bar for us for what "heavy" should be. I will refer to what Degenerate (Hi Ben!) says though. There is quite a bit of variety over the entire album. It's not just all "chugga" Meshuggah riffs. The main riffs in "No Question" you would never hear in a Meshuggah song... as well as the intro to Gasoline Finger, Paralyzed, and No Question to name just a few.

As far as my solos go, it's just my style man. I've been tapping and playing legato for many years before I even knew who Fredrik was. I personally don't think I play that much like him.

The bottom line is, we write and play music that we like and the direction we are heading and the direction they are heading are very different. :) Listen to Catch 33, I or Nothing and then our CD and I think you will see what I mean.

Thanks for the compliments on the production though. I think I really did an OK job considering.

EtherForBreakfast said:
I like that break in paralyzed at :30

Dude .. No offense, cuz I dig Meshuggah in a big way.. but your band/this project IS pretty much Meshuggah.

Dont get me wrong, it's TIGHT, it's clear, great mix... But if I was blindfolded and gun to my head forced to pick which was Meshuggah... I'd have a very hard time, especially after hearing those very much Freddy T inspired leads...

It is fantastic product... absolutely. Want to cement how great it sounds but. If you were the second coming of Edward Van, I'd say "good job, but where is YOUR sound?"

This sounds SO MUCH like Meshuggah in fact, that I'm almost wondering if some cat posted a leak to post catch 33 Meshuggah. =)

Sounds good though, dude!! Sounds really good.... But certainly NOT ORIGINAL. =(
I can vouch for the whole album being quite varied and it doesn't at all come off as being a Meshuggah clone... Those samples + that full song don't give you the whole picture. Now, if that's Tandjent's shortcoming or not, I can't say... it's not easy picking samples and such to condense an entire album into a few minutes' worth of music.

The whole album... is for starters much more melodic than Meshuggah, with actual chord sequences and more old school thrash metal-style riffs (with a modern twist), and also I can hear a bit of 90s progmetal in it from here and there. Meshuggah is a big influence yes, but far from the only one. It's way less of a Meshuggah clone than, say, that French band whose name I can't recall, A Life Once Lost and the other French band called ????.
Thanks dude,
Yah, Acle is a good kid. Very talented. I wish he'd get is f'n album done already hehe.

The drums are DFH Superior obviously. Guitars are Ibanez RG7420's with EMG707 pickups run through Mesa/Boogie Single Rectifiers. 5-string Ibanez ATK bass run direct through POD. Vocals were done through a SM57. My home studio is VERY unimpressive! hehehe Totally ghetto.


Kenny Lee said:
Yeah.....very very very much like Meshuggah. Between you guys and Acle it's Meshuggah mania!!!!!
Not knocking you or Meshuggah either..... I've been a fan of Fredrik, Tomas and Meshuggah since D.E.I.!! And I get to hang out with the Human Time Clock...Tomas next month!!! :headbang:

Meshuggah vibe=A
Originality = ?
Production is Great Man!!!

congrats on your c.d. sales

What do you use? I know D.F.H. but what else?
Degenerate said:
Dog Faced Gods?.. is that the other French band?
Then there's also Fragment, who are Swiss I think.
Ah Swiss. Fragment was the band I was thinking about. Thanks.

Isn't Dog Faced Gods American? It matters little...
Tim, awesome crunchy production. I like it :)

And the riffing. Man the riffing. This is Meshuggah without the monotony. Me likey very much! I'm realling digging the riffs.

The vocalist is also refreshingly unique (slightly) and awesome!

I like this band! May you dudes find wealth and happiness :)

A few questions about the production:

-Are the Amps Pod Xt or real? If real, what Mics for the cabinets and what Amp and Cabinet brand and model? If Pod Xt, can you share the patch?

-What guitar brand and model?

-What pickup brand and model?

-Drums real or DHFS?

-What Vocal Mic brand and model?

-What Vocal Mic preamp brand and model?

-What recording software?

-What misc plugins did you use?

Thank you.
Thanks a lot man! I'm glad your digging the clips.

It's a real Mesa/Boogie Single Rectifier. :) We tried using the POD in earlier versions of the recording but just weren't happy with it. Nothing beats a real tube.

Almost all of those questions I answered up above.

No vocal preamp (next time around I would like one). I just ran the 57 through my Roland 16 track mixer/workstation right into my PC. I use an M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 card. Sonar 4 PE and some Waves plugins. :)

Nitronium Blood said:
A few questions about the production:

-Are the Amps Pod Xt or real? If real, what Mics for the cabinets and what Amp and Cabinet brand and model? If Pod Xt, can you share the patch?

-What guitar brand and model?

-What pickup brand and model?

-Drums real or DHFS?

-What Vocal Mic brand and model?

-What Vocal Mic preamp brand and model?

-What recording software?

-What misc plugins did you use?

Thank you.
tandjent said:
Thanks a lot man! I'm glad your digging the clips.

It's a real Mesa/Boogie Singal Rectifier. :) We tried using the POD in earlier versions of the recording but just weren't happy with it. Nothing beats a real tube.

Almost all of those questions I answered up above.

No vocal preamp (next time around I would like one). I just ran the 57 through my Roland 16 track mixer/workstation right into my PC. I use an M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 card. Sonar 4 PE and some Waves plugins. :)
Thanks man.

Once again, your band rules.
tandjent said:
Hey guys,

My band Tandjent just released our debut album, "No One Will Hear Us", a couple weeks ago. It was recorded, mixed and mastered entirely in my little home studio and we're very happy with the results. I know a lot of you guys are big into home recording and I just wanted to share some clips with you.


People seem to be really liking the album so far and most are surprised that it came out of a home studio. If you dig the samples, be sure to hit our website for more info about how to get the CD and stuff.

www.tandjent.com or www.myspace.com/tandjent

Kudos to Andy for sharing his recording knowledge! I know I've gotten a tip or two from this forum. ;)

Tim Stevenson

Hey timdog, sounds pretty cool man and i don't think it's THAT much like meshuggah, you can hear the influence for sure, but for a start it's not all polys all the time yadda yadda yadda.

Good work dude.
Regarding the material you mentioned for recording/mixing this I must say you did a very good work!
I don't like the sound of the bassdrum, sounds very much like a "can of beer" to me (eh, eh, eh), but it's a matter of taste!...
Now about originality: who's original nowadays!?!?!? ;)
Nice work. :headbang:
I love this new era of Meshuggah-inspired bedroom artists. I think it's a scene that's really blossoming with some very very good metal.

Whilst your stuff didn't blow my mind as much as Tesseract, I do really dig the groove in some of the tracks. Definately keep going with it guys, great stuff.