
hoho, what a coincidence. I'm building a documentation database for a large paper & forestry corp, and after it's done, I'll be sort of migrating the current documentation to the new db.

It would be cool but it's a fucking lotus notes database. they suck hairy elk balls.
Yep, this one will be user friendly too, but _I_ am the one that has to make it that way.. grr... And notes databases are a pain in the ass for programmers, lemme tell ya. But no, big corporations like to use proprietary formats like lotus notes and not open, universal ones like SQL, the fuckers.

arg. sorry. nerd rant of the day, thoho
No, I mean that I have a tendency to rant about open source, freedom of information, this-programming-language-is-better-than-that and stuff like that to people who usually don't give a horses ass about cyber rights etc... now I'm not saying that you don't, mind you... it's just that you might get the impression that i automatically _assume_ that you care.
No, it cannot have been danish spirits. I've drunk this wonderful danish akvavit -- can't remember what it's called but supposedly it's matured by storing it aborad a ship and then crossing the equator -- without any ill effects. It _might_ have been danish beer though, that shit is pretty horrible (with a few exceptions)
Originally posted by Eirik
just noticed your sig.. lovely..
That man knew things others didn't and said things others wouldn't. A remarkable character.
what was the thread about, again?
About? Hmm... Tanks? One can't help but wonder if armored fighting vehicles have a role on the hypothetical battlefield of the future.

Although, of course, this thread can be about something else as well. I don't rightly know...
Well I'm not saying it's something I would dwell on constantly. I just have a passing interest in military hardware, that's all.

Any military confrontation is always ugly, and thinking that I might one day be forced to take part in one scares the hell out of me. It is a uselful skill, to be able to filter out all the horror from the video clips in the news that show people in pain and agony. I don't know if not sympathizing makes me less human or not...
But the question is, do I _want_ to be stronger, if ther price I have to pay is that I cannot care about other people? What I want is to know that I'm not on this earth just for myself.