Hi, this post is mainly to the swedes residing at this forum...
The thing is, that I can't seem to find a Swedish webshop where I can preorder the Black sessions... I really need two copies to the 23rd of february, 'cuz a friend of mine has a birthday comin' up and I'm going to give a copy to her.
I've tried every damn shop I know of, cdon, ginza, megastore, bengans... Anyone knows a swedish or atleast a scandinavian webshop where I can order one?
I need it from the internet since the last record-shop here in town has gone down the drain...
Maybe a stupid post, but it's kinda urgent.
(Also, don't post linx to swemetal or swedrock, since they both suck)
The thing is, that I can't seem to find a Swedish webshop where I can preorder the Black sessions... I really need two copies to the 23rd of february, 'cuz a friend of mine has a birthday comin' up and I'm going to give a copy to her.
I've tried every damn shop I know of, cdon, ginza, megastore, bengans... Anyone knows a swedish or atleast a scandinavian webshop where I can order one?
I need it from the internet since the last record-shop here in town has gone down the drain...
Maybe a stupid post, but it's kinda urgent.
(Also, don't post linx to swemetal or swedrock, since they both suck)
