Team Fortress 2


Best multiplayer game ever, without a shadow of a doubt.

anyone here play?
Xbox Live or Steam?

Favourite Class?

Favourite maps?

my Steam ID is TheDriller-[MH] , add me fools.
I used to play on steam every day. I'll have to reinstall this and play a few rounds with you. I heard they added a lot of new stuff since the last time I've played.
I used to play on steam every day. I'll have to reinstall this and play a few rounds with you. I heard they added a lot of new stuff since the last time I've played.

you do that man,

I'll get you an invite to the Melon Heads group,
they play a mean Payload match.

yeah, there's been lots of shit added since the release,
every character except for the engineer has had some sort of an update,
new weapons, new maps and game modes and a cool random item system too.

just got off of an epic match there, far and away the most fun i've ever had in a videogame.

EDIT: actually, my steam account is called " TheDriller " ,
im not sure which name you would need to add.
I gotta' play this game. I've had it for ages and seen all the memes based around it and the most exposure I have to it is using characters from it as ammunition for dead body catapults in Garry's mod.
Beware that the game can have a really high learning curve. Especially against good players. A lot of the classes take a good amount of time to become familiar with.
I played this last night for the first time.

And I SUCK. Ugh. Doesn't help that every Steam game seems to run INCREDIBLY slowly on my computer. Every setting at its lowest.. my FPS jumps all the time. 50fps to 10fps to 50fps to 10fps, so its really really choppy.
I always feel really bad going into a new game online, my nubness is almost certainly going to make the game less fun for someone if not a whole bunch of people.

You can't imagine the amount of deaths my ineptitude at Tribes 2 caused the first time I played it. :lol:
Just play an easy class like The Heavy for a while and watch what the other players do.

it can certainly take a while to get good at any of the classes, but i think thats an indication of the kind of "hidden" tactical depth on offer in this game.

My personal favourite class would have to be The Pyro,
as i've recently gotten pretty good at switching between the Flamethrower and Flare Gun on-the-fly.

It just seems to get more and more fun every time I play. :rock:

EDIT: for anyone that hasn't seen these:

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I've played it a little bit over the last few days - PM me for name and email if you're interested (I need to look it up again and will forget otherwise).
