Top 5 TV Series

Nuno Filipe

You talkin' to me?
Jul 1, 2009
I never was a tv series guy but lately I have been watching really some good ones. So what´s your favourite ones? I think a top 5 of the best you ever watched might be enough.

Here its mine:

1 - Dexter
2 - Sherlock
3 - Firefly
4 - The Wire
5 - Breaking Bad

This could be a good topic to discover some new ones. I tried some time ago, game of thrones but that supernatural shit with zombies, dragons, demons was a turn off. Couldnt finish 2 season.
Oh man there's so many..

Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Penny Dreadful (I know it's brand new but I'm hooked)
Season one of anything is usually good. To name some that haven't already been listed:

Prison Break
Quite early but no one mentioned Walking Dead, which I think started strong but turned into a bloody boring soap opera. I still watch it, but it's going in circles.
Did anybody give Vikings a shot ?
For a long time Dexter was at my 2nd place, then season 6 started and it all fell apart.

1. Sopranos
2. Friends
3. Breaking Bad
4. The Shield
5. King of Queens

And I can continue with plenty more.
Currently watching Hannibal, Suits, Game of Thrones, Vikings, Orange is the new Black and a few more.

Still need to start watching Boardwalk Empire, The Wire and Mad Man.
There are some ones that I didnt knew. I am probably take a look at vikings as the next one. I heard that true detective is also a great serie.

Prison brake has a terrific first season but after that, became a shit.
For a long time Dexter was at my 2nd place, then season 6 started and it all fell apart.

i was going to say to all the people that mentioned dexter... have you seen the last season?? :puke: man that show was great for a while but they really botched the end.
For a long time Dexter was at my 2nd place, then season 6 started and it all fell apart.

In my opinion all series should have no more than 5 seasons. There's simply no way it's not going to turn to shit after that (if not sooner). That's why I respect creators/writers like those of breaking bad who could easily stretch the series in to 7 or 8 seasons but chose to end it they way they originally wanted and didn't sold out to make more money.