TV series

Why do you hate her so much? I am not British so I wasn't there for her "pop star" phase and the first time I saw her was on Doctor Who. She's not as cool as Sarah Jane in terms of being an assistant, but I do think it's important that Rose Tyler is the only one the Doctor has really fallen in love with and I like how realistic her character is in terms of being attitude-y and waffly about Mickey.

So how about Tim & Eric? I think you can't be neutral on it, you gotta either LOVE it or think it's the dumbest show ever made. I personally adore it and have seen every episode, but I am disappointed so far with the new season. "Puberty" with the I-Jammer sketch was ace, but the rest left quite a lot to be desired and it seems like they're running out of ideas. Wonder how the new episode will be.

A highlight of my Tim & Eric life has been showing it to a Japanese friend and having her love it just as much as I do. We now walk around making "Casey faces" and getting excited whenever there is shrimp and white wine in the same venue.

Its an extremely strange and demented show but i find it addicting and hilarious. YES the Puberty episode was greatness especially the "Forting with Will" and I Jammer sketch. A few episodes this season have sucked tho' i will admit. Its a very hit or miss show at times.
Will Grello = greatness. I am hoping they bring Richard Dunn back soon. I think I like seasons 1-3 best, season 4 did some good stuff too like the Kraftwerk parody "Minivan Highway" and the "Universe" episode in general was good.
:lol: You like all the scenes i do it seems. You sure Richard Dunn didn't die? I hope not, his earlobes are fucking epic. Also the scene " Are you enjoying your Cinco Boy" in really creepy voice. I was laughing uncontrollably for 5 minutes on that one but i was pretty high.

A few great skits/scenes:

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I like almost all the scenes. My favorite episode is probably "Pepperoni," with the Breadheads fake documentary and Karlore the 4' tall nerd.
Goddamn it people I already made a thread for this. An OFFICIAL thread at that, it says so in the title. How am I supposed to bask in my e-worth to the forum when you all go running off to some lesser half-baked imitation of a TV thread.
Trailer Park Boys.


Conky agreehehehehes.
Of course I don't, that's why I'm asking you.

The show is fucking great. There's a channel on youtube with all 6 seasons, I can't stop watching it. John Lithgow (high commander Dick) proves himself as a top-notch actor.
I never saw the appeal of Time and Eric, it's like the premise of the show is to make a stupid face and just hold it.

Anyone care to enlighten me? I have no doubt that I may be missing something, so... yeah
In before the laughs, but lately I've taken a liking to Bonanza.


Breaking Bad
High Stakes Poker (and any other poker shows)
Anything on History Channel