Teaser mp3 of the NEW Zero Hour CD De-Evolution: NOW ONLINE

yes yes yes wow wow wow wow

this is the probably my single most anticipated cd of my life so far... and this teaser only increases that anticipation by something like a million-fold!!!!

i cannot wait to hear the whole thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds very awesome with the excellent riffing. The vocals sound a little low and the guitars sound a bit high in the mix. I got really disappointed because it ended. :)
Soul of Ice said:
Sounds very awesome with the excellent riffing. The vocals sound a little low and the guitars sound a bit high in the mix. I got really disappointed because it ended. :)

This is just a rough mix so in the end it can only sound better. There may even be keyboards on it but they would only be added once I'm done tracking. Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone.
I'm STOKED everyone (so far) is digging the vibe of the 2 minute clip. Alot of work has been put into this CD (As all of the CD's had alot care put into them) and it makes us pumped to get this CD out to you. Not much longer now and before you know it, it will be out in stores. Still have a little time til then and we appreciate everyone not forgetting about us. We know it's been a long time coming and you're the best fans.

\m/ Jasun \m/ ZH
Okay, just listened to the clip. Powerful, really nice all around. I like Mike's cymbal work at the beginning of the clip. I'll have to listen to those two minutes many times more, but WOW, we all can't wait!