Tech-Death project to mix :)


Jan 10, 2005
Friends of mine I recorded recently in a VERY shitty room. It was so cramped in there the mic placement suffered severely from the tight quarters available. BUT, nevertheless I wanted to post this up for others to tinker with. Finally throwing my own contribution into the pot as far as mixing projects go. There are actually 4 songs, but I wanted to post the one I thought was the best...the band agreed it was as well.

Here is my mix of the track.

I'm personally not happy with how it tracked, but only had a few hours after set-up to get the drums done because of rediculous circumstances. Did the guitars back at my house. *should've* taken a guitar DI, *should've* taken the amp DI....but I didn't. Everything was very the band got me stoned as all hell so I will admit I was a little absent minded. :p


Guitars are one track Engl FireBall and one track Peavey XSr™. I know, I know...ONE TRACK!?!?!? But the guitarist didn't feel he could play it tight enough to quad track the gits. Plus he was baked...I don't blame him. Both heads went into a Marshall 1960 with V30's, mic'ed with SM57 into MOTU 8Pre.

Drums were Sennheiser e604's on the toms, kick was triggered into DM5 then MIDI out into the MOTU so you have a MIDI track in the ZIP, snare was SM57, OH's were a matched pair of Røde NT5's, ride was an MXL V68 and the hi-hat was Røde NT-2a.

No bass guitar. And there won't be any for the demo. When we go to do the full-length later on they will have a bassist.

No vocals yet, tracking those next Mon/Tues.

The drum room was like ~7ft wide by ~16ft long, with the last 6 feet of it being blocked by blankets hung from floor to ceiling...creating a "wall". The walls were treated with Auralex, and then covered with a pretty thick fabric. The ceiling height was the OH mics were basically against the ceiling almost. His kit was against the ~7ft wall facing the other end of the room. It blew. The OH's came out very mono and too washy for my tastes. Oh well, it's just a demo in the end anyway, right?

Have fun and post your mixes!

I like this song. :headbang:
I like this drummer. :kickass:
The ride sounds nice. :)
The toms sound nice. :)

Passive pups?
The tone seems fine but the gtrs sound a little mushy.
No tubescreamer or OD808 was used?
It was a custom shop Jackson Soloist with EMG's, hummer in the bridge and a single in the mid and neck. Like I said I was pretty baked so I forgot to do a lot of stuff to prepare for tracking, like using a DI on the guitars and the amp heads, as well as setting up my Keeley TS-9. Just simply wasn't thinking. Listening back I kind of hate the tone and wish I would have done the DI of the guitar at least so I could reamp using the TS-9...but oh well. The guitarist requested the amps be set kinda saturated, we argued about it for a good half hour before I just gave up...even after having him record a track of the amp set how I wanted it and a track of how he wanted it, the tone I wanted him to use was rediculously clear and tight, but very brutal. His is what is on the final mix...which is anything but clear and tight. To me anyway.

I just noticed the upload of my mix mp3 skips towards the end...bad upload I'm guessing because the source file isn't like that. Let me know if the session files are jacked up or anything.

Also, you can probably tell they like Decapitated a little bit huh? :) The drummer and guitarist are only 18. The guitarist has only been playing for like 1.5-2 years. I hate them both. Not seriously. But damn...

Whats this talk about setting up a DI for the amp heads? I know about DI'ing the guitar for reamping but the amp head? Is that for creating impulses? I'm confused.
Radd: Yeah, you take the FX send or if the amp has a direct output you just connect a cable to it and record it so that you can use impulses on it later on.

XeS: Actually, I know for a fact they only practice together about 1-2 times a week, if that. The guitarist hardly ever touches his guitar unless he's jamming with the drummer. And he even writes everything in GuitarPro without ever touching his guitar, he learns the songs on guitar AFTER he writes them in GP. On top of that, he writes the drums in GP too, for the drummer to learn and add-to or change very little of it when they actually rehearse the music. It's nuts. The drummer, however, practices daily, but unless the guitarist is there he typically practices various other styles of drumming (fusion, jazz, prog, blues, breakbeat, etc.).

Alright, I figured there would be some bad files since my mp3 was jacked. Re-uploading now. I'll post here when it's done.

Re-uploaded...someone let me know if it's jacked up again and I'll just start uploading the specific tracks that are messed up.

CJ: I was really hoping you'd get in on this man, I'd absolutely LOVE to hear your touch on this track. At least give me a teaser with just the instruments until I can throw the vox on the FTP next week? :D

I'm getting errors on files everytime I try DLing it.... Is it possible you could put them in a RAR archive instead of ZIP?
The guitarist (...) even writes everything in GuitarPro without ever touching his guitar, he learns the songs on guitar AFTER he writes them in GP. On top of that, he writes the drums in GP too, for the drummer to learn and add-to or change very little of it when they actually rehearse the music

haha that's what i do also... the difference is that i don't practice my guitar often and regularly enough so i'm struggling learning how to play my songs correctly right now :)

Those guys you recorded are amazing for such a young age... We already have Decapitated, Animosity... those guys are next ! :)

About the mix itself i'm all about the "less gain = better guitar sound" but in this case (in your mix) i think there's nothing wrong. The overall thing is badass. Doesn't sound like something recorded in a urge and bad conditions.

Put some bass and some singing in there and it will slay.
I'm interested to try this out, i am always hassling my friends bands to let me have a bash.
CJ's mix will probably kill us all though.
Alright, uploading the folder, uncompressed. It's substantially larger now though, from 196mb to 285mb...but I guess it's no big deal...Says it'll be about 75 minutes from now, it's 1:00PM central. So I would say for everyone interested, check back about 2:20-ish central time.

JBroll: The guitars are in C standard. I can talk to them and see about maybe getting you the GuitarPro file.

Alright, everything is uploaded. The CPR file is in the bounced folder. elephant-audio/abhorrent/bounced is where all the files are located. Now start mixing!!!11!!
