Ted get off your ass !!!

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Old Man's Child

What do they sound like? I've seen them mentioned alot but have never heard them. Do they have a singer or a growler?... keeping in mind that I don't like deathy vocals.
JonnyD said:
Greeno you would HATE these guys I promise they are Black Metal :D

I wish that was how all reviews were written, would make my life soooo much easier. :) "Greeno will hate it" or "Greeno will like it". :)

Thanks JD.
tedvanfrehley said:
FIRST - I found this thread funny because just today I was driving around southern Indiana (I'm a sales rep and spend a lot of time in the car!) listening to HANK WILLIAMS JR.'s cd, "Habits Old and New". My favorite track on this album is, ironically, titled, DINOSAUR. Here are a few lines. "used to be, I had a lot of fun in this old hangout/ we'd get stoned at the jukebox and stay outta fights/ now and then, light a little smoke in the truck out back/ then a little old Jim Beam and we'd get right/ but now these flashin' lights, sure make me dizzy/ and this disco's very strange to my ears/ it looks like they've turned the Longhorn into a spaceship/ and I'll be leavin' just as soon as I finish this beer/ CAUSE YOU SEE I'M A DINOSAUR/ SHOULD'VE DIED OUT A LONG TIME BEFORE/ HAVE MERCY ON A DINOSAUR/ HAND ME MY HAT, EXCUSE ME MA'AM / WHERE'S THE DOOR?" Well, I was singing this aloud to myself and enjoying the fact that I felt like it summed up my life at age 31 as well! That I feel like everything I loved as a kid/teen/young man is now just great memories!

But the post was DISTURBING to me in this sense. It made me feel like maybe a lot of you don't know me. Rather that's due to my own fault or anybody else's. I have given the wrong impression, and I want to clarify.

It's not that I don't like any new bands, or have refused to give any new bands a chance.
The difference is that even though there are new bands that I like...my PASSION is for the OLD SCHOOL DINOSAURS OF ROCK AND METAL that I grew up on. KISS, VAN HALEN, OZZY, MOTLEY CRUE, METALLICA. Those are my top 5 bands of all time. I will never tire of their old songs, even though they may be past their prime. They are the standards that I judge all hard music on. Not that I compare the sounds, but if a band makes me feel like any of THOSE bands do, then I'm in. Take a band like THE DARKNESS. Are they a joke? Yeah. But when I listen to them, I get the same feeling I get when I listen to Van Halen II! My body responds to it! What can I say? I like what I like.

EDGUY - a freakin' awesome band. Love the hell out of 'em. But would I stand in line to meet 'em? Nah.
VINCE NEIL - a train wreck. A dumbass. Can't sing. But would I stand in line to meet him? FUCK YEAH!
Why? Because like Paul McCartney to some he is a guy I grew up with! Bands like KISS or VAN HALEN will always be larger than life to me and that's what I dig!!!! Sure, there's lots of great NEW music out there and when I find something new that I really like such as WOLF or HAMMERFALL or the HELLACOPTERS then I dive in head first! But it won't be long until I break out the SHOUT AT THE DEVIL again!

DIMMU BORGIR is another band I got heavily into for a while. I still love 'em . But if one of those dudes walked by me at WalMart i probably wouldn't even bug 'em. That's the difference. There's music I enjoy. NEW MUSIC. But I don't have the passion for any new artists that compares to the passion I have for my old favorites. That's why it may sound like I'm stuck in the past or up David Lee Roth's ass (I still say even now that he's washed up he kicks the dog shit outta anybody out there behind a microphone!) Sure I like new bands. But do I feel compelled to write and talk about 'em???? NAH! Besides, there are a lot of youngsters out there just coming in to metal and reading this OLD SCHOOL forum. I am proud of the fact that I bought THEATER OF PAIN or MASTER OF PUPPETS on the day they came out!!!!! I am proud to say that I saw METALLICA WITH CLIFF opening for Ozzy when my dad took me at about 12 years old! I am PROUD to say that I saw Johnny Cash and got to shake his hand a couple years ago. I am PROUD to say that I remember when POISON first came out...good or bad...I was there!!! It's not something I learn about today. I'm sure HAWK understands that...look at all the LEGENDARY stuff he saw! That is old school, baby!

So I agree that it's important not to live in the past and I do feel sorry for anyone who only listens to one type of music and one time period. (Not just metal!) I love rock, metal, country, classical, and even good rap (like Ice T or NWA) but you gotta admit that in ALL genres, it is hard to compare newcomers to legends.

When I first heard VAN HALEN it melted my brain the way hearing JIMI HENDRIX or THE DOORS did for a generation before me. I could probably NEVER convince a guy twice my age that Edward is 1/2 the guitarist Jimi was. So even if I like a new band, with all my heart, they'll still never be as good as MOTORHEAD, WASP, or one of those bands. They'll just be somebody new to like. Every now and then a new band comes along and kicks my ass. I'm not against trying anything new. It's just that I love the old so much.


o.k. Ted I don't know if this is really the place to get all soppy and emotional but your post just about moved me to tears (sad I know) heres why like you (I think) I'm into a lot of 80s stuff old rock and glam not nessicarily the bands you mentioned but that's partly because I haven't heard them all yet. You wrote with (it seems to me)a lot of passion and an obvious true belief in what you were saying I can relate to what you say about the feeling you get when you listen to certain bands but unlike you although I love my music I can't help feeling something of a fraud because I wasn't there when it was all happening I can't say I bought Poisons debut the day it came out, I can't say I remember Kiss taking off the make-up because I don't I wish I had been but I wasn't but know one thing if I had been around back in the day then it wouldn't stop me from still listening to the same stuff today.

I don't have a huge music collection and there is a few newer bands in it but I generally find myself turning to something older because it just feels so comfortabe I don't know if this makes any sense but it's like at the end of the day which would you rather do take off the work boots that have been killing you all day and put on the comfy slippers or keep the work boots on? It just feels right. I have often said I was born in the wrong era but I will never be told I'm wrong for spending more time and money on older bands than I do on newer ones. Ted I guess I just wanna say You Rock :wave: (I hope this all made sense)
tedvanfrehley said:
ps...paybacks are hell! Now I'm not gonna be afraid to call you out on your love of FUEL and/or bands like that! hahaha kidding

Ha ha ha I make the statements of Fuel and The Goos knowing I will catch some flack. You and I share the fact that we do state the bands we like (not to say others here do not) with your country and me with sappy radio rock bands (actually three of them since I don't mention the defunct Gin Blossoms much.)
As I stated, the singling out wasn't for you but for other readers. I thinhk it would be ashamed for people to completely live in the past. Both of us visit the past very often, but I don't live there and I don't think you do either.
The last thing in the world I would do would be flame a cool guy like you. I used your post as an example, which happened to have your name on it, so in reality, I suppose I WAS doing something like flaming you to some respect, but it was for the right reasons my friend.

As far as DLR over SH..... VH was much, much better with Dave and I like the old stuff the best, but Sammy had a few good songs and is a better vocalist by leaps and bounds.

METAL DOG...you are a great man. I am glad you liked the post and this thread in general!!! I am curious, now. How old are you???? You mentioned that you're just getting into a lot of the "older" bands which I salute you for 100%! And with limited funds myself, I, like you, find it hard to buy new bands' albums when there are soooooo many classics I don't have or maybe had on vinyl as a kid but haven't gotten on cd yet...so you gotta follow your heart. I like several new bands but again they have to give me that same feeling that the classics do, whatever that may be. (happy, sad, mad, or just balls to the wall!) If it's good, it's good...old or new. YOU ARE ABOUT TO ROCK, MY FRIEND AND I SALUTE YOU!


Now Bryant....again let me tell you that I took no offense to your post... I just took it as you breaking my balls and I wanted to express my thoughts...I consider you a friend. If it makes any difference, I've never met SIXXSWINE in person either and I've been talking to that crazy mofo for years! haha So we are cool and I consider you one of my buddies and a brother of 10 fingers and 6 strings! I gotta post a pic of me and my guitar sometime but everybody would run off...hehe I think that ACCEPT is to you what VAN HALEN is to me...essential listening on a weekly basis that you will never tire of...that's all I'm saying. I'll pick up the newest Tad Morose and let you know my thoughts on it! (Maybe this weekend?!?!? have to ask the wife) and I'm sure I'll love it from what you guys say about it...but lemme say this....I also LOVED the new albums I picked up by WOLF, DEATH ANGEL, DIMMU BORGIR and EDGUY...but at the end of the week I still had to put them away and blast some WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Metal Dog said:
but unlike you although I love my music I can't help feeling something of a fraud because I wasn't there when it was all happening

You're not a fraud, why whould you even think that way!! Who cares if you were there when it was happening. I'm sure you feel just as nostalgic about the first time you heard some of your favorite bands as us old timers do, even if you were late to the party.

I do kind of understand what you are saying though. I didn't get into the Ramones until about 1985 or 86 and I wish I could have been "hip" to them when they were first starting out but that doesn't make me feel like a fraud for liking them. It just makes me nostalgic for 1985 when I first heard them instead of 1976 (when I was 7 years old :) ).
tedvanfrehley said:
METAL DOG...you are a great man. I am glad you liked the post and this thread in general!!! I am curious, now. How old are you???? You mentioned that you're just getting into a lot of the "older" bands which I salute you for 100%! And with limited funds myself, I, like you, find it hard to buy new bands' albums when there are soooooo many classics I don't have or maybe had on vinyl as a kid but haven't gotten on cd yet...so you gotta follow your heart. I like several new bands but again they have to give me that same feeling that the classics do, whatever that may be. (happy, sad, mad, or just balls to the wall!) If it's good, it's good...old or new. YOU ARE ABOUT TO ROCK, MY FRIEND AND I SALUTE YOU!

I've been called a lot of things in all my years as a female but never before "a great man" :lol: I appreciate the sentiment though. I'm 23 so to me Poison etc class as older bands because I would have been 4-5 years old when they started out and I only started getting into rock/metal about six years ago when I left home so a lot of the bands I'm listening to now had been around for 15-20 years before I even knew they existed.
Greeno said:
You're not a fraud, why whould you even think that way!! Who cares if you were there when it was happening. I'm sure you feel just as nostalgic about the first time you heard some of your favorite bands as us old timers do, even if you were late to the party.

I only feel this way because people like to tease me about it "you were only a baby when they were rocking ----- stadium to thousands" etc but I defend my love of the music every time. Still wish I had been there first time round though. I guess I shouldn't take thier comments to heart so much but if I didn't maybe that would be worse because it would show I didn't care as much as I do.
METAL DOG - OOPS! Allow me to remove my foot from my mouth. I just assumed with a name like "metal dog" that you were a dude! See how much of a dumbass I really am????

Anyways, you are no fraud! you are hardcore. I shall now only refer to you as METAL DOG - High Priestess and Defender of the Faith - Empress of Metal, and Princess of Evil. How's that? My point is that you are badass!

Hey, I didn't really get into the Rolling Stones until about 2 years ago and they go waaaaaaaaaaay back! Now I love 'em!

You rule.
Your pal
Metal Dog said:
I only feel this way because people like to tease me about it "you were only a baby when they were rocking ----- stadium to thousands" etc but I defend my love of the music every time. Still wish I had been there first time round though. I guess I shouldn't take thier comments to heart so much but if I didn't maybe that would be worse because it would show I didn't care as much as I do.

Ya know what I say to and have always said to "Them" FUCK YOU! :wave:
tedvanfrehley said:
METAL DOG - OOPS! Allow me to remove my foot from my mouth. I just assumed with a name like "metal dog" that you were a dude! See how much of a dumbass I really am????

You're not the only one who thought I was a guy so don't worry about it. You're not a dumbass so don't put yourself down o.k. as for favourite bands top of the list is Poison and they shall forever retian this spot no matter what anyone says (JD you're right again Fuck 'em not literaly though :grin: ) then in no particular order Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Lita Ford, Tuff many others but you get the idea right? :grin:
So you're into a lot of the 80's hair/glam metal, then! Cool....I don't know if you've got any stuff by these bands but here are a few of my favorites (in case anybody cares!)that you didn't mention yet...
TRIXTER - if you wanno go really cheesy! haha The "NSync" of 80's metal
oh, and by the way, what about some good VAN HALEN with DAVID LEE ROTH?!?!?

You may already have those listed above but if not it wouldn't hurt to check 'em out! (If so then I'll just shut the hell up)
tedvanfrehley said:
TRIXTER - if you wanno go really cheesy! haha The "NSync" of 80's metal
oh, and by the way, what about some good VAN HALEN with DAVID LEE ROTH?!?!?

You may already have those listed above but if not it wouldn't hurt to check 'em out! (If so then I'll just shut the hell up)

I've heard all of them but don't actually have anything by any of them except Wake me When It's Over by Faster Pussycat which I downloaded from JD earlier today so a couple of recomendations as to what I should get would be good. I was listening to Trixter as we came into the new year. If I remember right it was As The Candle Burns