Ted You would be proud of me !!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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If I said I was into country music.... well I would be lying, but of all the country bands out there, there is one band that I have two songs by that I love and they hardly even have an ounce of rock and roll in them...... namely Brooks and Dunn. The very few times my wife gets upset with me, I start singing "My Maria" to her though I change the words to My Harumi... ha ha ha. I also like "It's Getting Better All The Time." I can't explain why...... knock the shit out of me Ted... even YOU don't like Brooks and Dunn right ?

Ha ha ha

AHHHHHHHH Bryant, my man. You never cease to amaze me. First you go all GENE SIMMONS on the avatar, and then you confess your love of Brooks and Dunn. I give you many props, my friend. But I do not share your love of Brooks and Dunn. I do like that song, My Maria, but I have never bought an album of theirs...In other words, if they come on the radio I won't run outta the room, but I can live without 'em too. HOWEVER, My Maria is a great song, and one that I too, would sing if only my wife's name were two syllables long. "Kim" just doesn't fit. haha

I'll tell you one more new artist you might give a chance, though, that you may like based on your open mindedness to radio friendly tracks. SHOOTER JENNINGS' new cd, "Put the O Back In C untry". I dunno if you've heard the track "4th Of July" that the radio and CMT are playing the hell out of but it is something different. Shooter is Waylon's son, but sounds nothing like him. These songs are kinda like The Stones, Black Crowes, or GNR Lies mixed with George Jones or Johnny Cash if you can imagine that. The album is very listener friendly but still feels somewhat underground....i think you'd like it!
hmmmm, i never really cared for country, so when my guitar teacher said "...then again country music DOES lower your IQ" naturally, i laughed :lol:
Hey dont be dissin on all country :loco: . You should take the time and listen to some
Johnny Cash and old George Jones there's a lot of good songwriting in their songs.
And take the time and listen to the guy that sung the perfect country song and that
is the legendary David Allen Coe :headbang: Hell Dimebag(RIP) and Vinnie loved this guy!
KMADD - You are a great man with balls as big as churchbells. I salute you for giving props to David Allan Coe! What a guy.

Anyways, this raises an interesting question for those who don't like or won't give country music a chance.

Why do you like METAL? Is it just the loud, distorted guitars and the drums, bass, vox, etc. associated with the metal sound? Or is it the storytelling in the lyrics? Or is it both??? Country music is roots music that comes from the human experience. Now, there is certainly some terrible country music out there...just like there's some terrible metal...but in my opinion, anybody who likes the sound of a guitar or especially who PLAYS a guitar should have at least a shred of love for some true country pickin'! Afterall there are only 12 notes in metal, country, punk, rock, classical, etc. It's just the way that they are arranged and what not that makes up different styles.

I am not saying that y'all should start loving country! As a matter of fact, like a lot of people take pride in liking a metal band that is a bit underground or dangerous, I take a lot of pride in liking HANK WILLIAMS JR and even ERNEST TUBB when a lot of folks think I'm just plain stupid for doing so. Liking country (true country) is being an outsider in a lot of circles, and like a good METAL band, there are a lot of folks that just don't get it.

It's all just music, folks!

Have a ball
BY THE WAY to my boys JP, wicked child, and #1 droogie I am not saying you gotta love country...I respect your devout love for all things metal!!!! Don't get me wrong. But I'm just saying that variety is the spice of life! WHat if all women looked like Pam Anderson??? You gotta mix it up a little...some Terri Hatcher, Paris Hilton, Oprah Winfrey and Rosanne Barre will do ya good from time to time! HEHEHEHE
Well Teddy Boy(that's gonna be my nickname for you if it's the last thing i do!! It WILL stick!!), I think i've explained my position before here many, many times, but for those who've missed it, i'll say it again.

In my early preteen days, i went through a phase where i listened to anything and everything, to find my niche, what moved me. I had just moved away from rap music, something i enjoyed for years, but it got old and i needed to move on. And along the way, i found some songs that i still enjoy immensely to this day, from many genres, but i couldn't find a genre or band in general that got me going. That's when i discovered classic rock, 70's and 80's punk and most importantly......METAL. That was the birth of the REAL Nick. That got me going, that had my hairs stand on end, that gave me the urge to get up and move, that hit the part of the brain that tells, "hey! I really, really like this!", It all hit me more than any other genre i had experimented with previously. I had found my niche. I still love classic rock and some old school punk to this day, but the genre that hits me hardest and still does today is METAL. That's my number one and always will be.

As for WHY i love it...i couldn't tell ya, brother. It just does. SOMETHING about it hits me HARD. The power, the energy, i don't know, but whatever it is, i love it, i live for it, i can't get enough of it, and i always want more of it. So, i've explored the wide world of music, and it just comes down to the fact that i stick with what moves me most, what i never get tired of. That's it. It's a passion that will never die. I like what i like, and that's what i like.

And i will always respect you and admire you Teddy Boy, for having an eclectic taste in music. If that's what you're into, more power to ya, stay true to yourself. That's all i'm doing.
Wicked Child said:
Well Teddy Boy(that's gonna be my nickname for you if it's the last thing i do!! It WILL stick!!), I think i've explained my position before here many, many times, but for those who've missed it, i'll say it again.

In my early preteen days, i went through a phase where i listened to anything and everything, to find my niche, what moved me. I had just moved away from rap music, something i enjoyed for years, but it got old and i needed to move on. And along the way, i found some songs that i still enjoy immensely to this day, from many genres, but i couldn't find a genre or band in general that got me going. That's when i discovered classic rock, 70's and 80's punk and most importantly......METAL. That got me going, that had my hairs stand on end, that gave me the urge to get up and move, that hit the part of the brain that tells, "hey! I really, really like this!", It all hit me more than any other genre i had experimented with previously. I had found my niche. I still love classic rock and some old school punk to this day, but the genre that hit me hardest and still does today is METAL. That's my number one and always will be.

As for WHY i love it...i couldn't tell ya, brother. It just does. SOMETHING about it hits me HARD. The power, the energy, i don't know, but whatever it is, i love it, i live for it, i can't get enough of it, and i always want more of it. So, i've explored the wide world of music, and it just comes down to the fact that i stick with what moves me most, what i never get tired of. That's it. It's a passion that will never die. I will always live for the Deep Purples, UFOs, Thin Lizzys, Yardbirds, Black Sabbaths, Judas Priests, Overkills, Kreators, Bad Brains, Fears and Misfits of the world.

And i will always respect you and admire you Teddy Boy, for having an eclectic taste in music. If that's what you're into, more power to ya, stay true to yourself. That's all i'm doing.

my words EXACTLY......except i didnt listen to rap :p
Well for me, in the beginning I mainly listened to the crap on the radio and tv, rap, pop rock, some mallcore etc. However I never really 'liked' it so to say, it was backround music. Then one day I heard Manowar and Iron Maiden and they blew my head off, the power and the energy, thus from that day forth I became a metalhead.
Well put, Wicked Child. I see where you're coming from and I shall now roll over and expose my belly to you as dogs do to show that you are the victor and you shall be respected. THAT SOUNDED WIERD AS HELL, though, didn't it?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA

I gotcha WC!

Your pal,
I was raised on country, George Jones, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, Roger Miller, Charlie Pride, etc.. some damn fine music there, soulful, deep and powerful, some whimsical and humorous.

A decade or so ago I saw George Jones, Conway Twitty and Merle Haggard. I recognized so many of the songs. It brought back great memories of my mom ironing and what not all the while singing along sometimes playing the same song over and over. sounds familiar :tickled:

In the mid 50's my mother, her father and brothers had a radio spot in Perry, Fla. she would sing and they'd play fiddle, guitar and piano. Their claim to "fame" was a song called "The Taylor County Boogie".

I enjoy all listening to all music and can always find a groove to jam with. Not too many artists make me want to leave a room or a store I'm shopping at but it's been known to happen.
As a kid my Dad listened to old country like Burle Ives, Glenn Miller, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams Sr., George Jones, Otis Redding, etc. My mom was a big Elvis fan with some 60's radio hits thrown in. Songs like Knock Three Times, Indian Nation, Hanky Panky, Locomotion, etc. Then when I was about 11 years old a friend of my introduced me to KISS.

Like you said Wicked Child :
That was the birth of the REAL Nick. That got me going, that had my hairs stand on end, that gave me the urge to get up and move, that hit the part of the brain that tells, "hey! I really, really like this!"
As for WHY i love it...i couldn't tell ya, brother. It just does. SOMETHING about it hits me HARD. The power, the energy, i don't know, but whatever it is, i love it, i live for it, i can't get enough of it, and i always want more of it. So, i've explored the wide world of music, and it just comes down to the fact that i stick with what moves me most, what i never get tired of. That's it. It's a passion that will never die. I like what i like, and that's what i like.

Thats when the lights went on for me. This was my music! I lived and breathed KISS for so many years. That love of course opened the doors to so many other bands that are great but there will always be some magic in those KISS songs for me.

My favorite genre is and will probably always will be metal but the older I get the more diverse my tastes have become. Most surprisingly with Country music. :OMG: I used to abolutely detest it but I like a lot of the new country. I think rock n roll is hiding in country music. There are a few "country" bands and artists that sound more like rock n roll than country. They at least are not afraid of guitars solos! :headbang:
tedvanfrehley said:
Well put, Wicked Child. I see where you're coming from and I shall now roll over and expose my belly to you as dogs do to show that you are the victor and you shall be respected. THAT SOUNDED WIERD AS HELL, though, didn't it?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA

I gotcha WC!

Your pal,

:lol: :lol: :lol: "Weird" is an understatemant, but i understand what you're trying to say. Just never give me that visual again! :erk:

And thank you for understanding, Teddy Boy. That right there shows that you deserve respect, unlike some of the other eclectic people i've into. You let me speak my peice and even understood and acknowledged where i'm coming from. And that actually means alot to me, because my music means alot to me, and I hope the passion that i truly have for this music was properly conveyed and felt in what i wrote, because it's there. I wear the band shirts, sport the long hair, buy the music, listen to the music, go to the concerts and dawn my band patch and pin covered denim vest (formerly a jacket) with pride. I may look like a freak, but damn it, SOMEONE has to promote these bands! :headbang:
New Country like Toby Keith Im not really interested in. But Damn Kittybeast Charlie
Pride rules! Who would ever thought a brother could sing some badass country music!
And how can I forget being raised on Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers and Charlie Rich too.