Off-topic.... State of the Bryant address.


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I suppose most here can see that I haven't posted very much lately. I am still around but have been extremely busy. I have just recently moved and have been busy getting my new place in order. I am currently on dial-up as I have moved out to the country where only expensive satellite high-speed is available. It is about to drive me nuts, but I do love it out here.
I am not a wealthy person, so I wasn't able to find a big home on a big piece of land, so I bought a mobile home on 5 acres (2.02 hactares/20,234 square meters.) I did get the piece of land I wanted at least and the home is nice for a "trailer." It has a huge deck on the front and a nice sized one on the back. I also bought a tractor since I have so much grass to cut. What could be more metal than a tractor ?!?! Ha ha ha. I love it. I drive it down to my mailbox everyday. :lol:

Anyway.... I just wanted to let everyone know I will get caught up soon on my new place and will be back posting here like my old self soon.


Great hearing from you buddy. :) Where the hell are you living now?
Tell us some more!! :lol:

Great to hear you are doing fine. Please keep us posted.
great to hear Bryant!! Sounds like you're making the place nice and right at home for you and the family! Can't wait to see you in Rocktober. I just booked my flight now I'm all set. Hugs to Harumi and Koji!
Sounds good Bryant !! Good to hear you are doing fine...Well, for you guys it may not seem that big, but bying 5 acres over here would put you straight into the "rich" class of people !!
Five acres!!?! Sweet! I don't care what kind of house you got, that's some elbow room!

Tractor!!?! Sweet! Groundskeeper Bryant!

Good to hear from you. Kitty and I were talking about you the other night. You must have heard us. :p
Hmmm, must be look like the Kent farm in Smallville without Superman, but SuperBryant :lol:

Congrats on your new property, nothing like a piece of land of your own. May it fertile and give you and yours years of good living and prosperity.
Cool beans brutha!:rock:

I have six acres that I reside on and let me tell ya, the work is always there!!! You find out that there is always something to do! A few years back I had to off 18 ground hogs... they were tearing shit up and I had enough! I spent most of two summers ago "hunting" ground hogs!!! 'Lil bastards! Sorry Delize! I know how you adore them!!!

You can now turn your tunes up fucking loud and not have to worry one bit about it!

Enjoy the spread and remember, you now have places to bury people!!!:lol:
When I first moved out of town, I made it less than a year before I couldn't stand dial-up anymore. I had to pay the big bucks for satellite internet. And what a fucking rip-off it is. I'd look into cellular broadband first. That wasn't an option for me as I'm nestled back between some mountains that block the nearest cell tower signal.

Good to see ya back, Bryant! And congrats on the topsoil. :D
I am not a wealthy person, so I wasn't able to find a big home on a big piece of land, so I bought a mobile home on 5 acres (2.02 hactares/20,234 square meters.) I did get the piece of land I wanted at least and the home is nice for a "trailer." It has a huge deck on the front and a nice sized one on the back. I also bought a tractor since I have so much grass to cut. What could be more metal than a tractor ?!?! Ha ha ha. I love it. I drive it down to my mailbox everyday. :lol:


I just bought a new place and I am getting ready to move next month to a place with some acreage too, room for a horse or two! I can't wait to get me a tractor!

Dude that's madcheese! Congats!:kickass:
I wish I had a tractor.
When it snows you should hook up a sled and pull your wife and kid around! SEEWT!!!
5 acres of land?

jesus bryant,in the uk that practically makes you a farmer!!
love the tractor too-your right,theres pretty much nothing more metal-you gotta post a picture.

apart from the lack of internet,that sounds awsome.i'd love it.

good on you fella!!! :rock: :kickass:
5 acres of land?

jesus bryant,in the uk that practically makes you a farmer!!
love the tractor too-your right,theres pretty much nothing more metal-you gotta post a picture.

apart from the lack of internet,that sounds awsome.i'd love it.

good on you fella!!! :rock: :kickass:

Ha ha ha five acres is not really enough to make a living as a farmer in the USA. It is also too much work. I will get the wife to take some pictures of me on my tractor though.
Brent, there is a nice doublewide next door to me on five acres for sale as well if you are interested. No more shoveling out your driveway here. :heh:
