Ted's Van Halen poll


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Well, anyone here who knows me knows I am eternally Edward Van Halen's bitch. I will buy, and have bought, anything that they put out within all realms of financial ability. (I still want a 5150 amp, dammit.) But alas, I must admit that after waiting all this time to hear anything outta my favorite guitarist in the world, all he can give me is a greatest hits album with 3 new tracks. Granted, I've heard "Up For Breakfast" on the radio and I think it is excellent...but come on....3 songs?!?!? We (the fans) have waited this long so what's a few more months to do a whole new album? Anyway...my point is this....

How many of you out there are actually gonna buy the new BEST OF when it comes out?!?! Are you at all intrigued?

And while we're at it how many of you could care less because it's HAGAR on the mic and not ROTH?

I was crazy about Van Halen in the late 70s and early 80s! But the later albums just did not do enough for me. I like the earlier VH with Roth better but Roth is a wreck now. So that does not help :(

I am hoping for some good new material. We'll just have to wait and see...

I alway's found that they were to carefull in releasing live material. How long did it take them to release a live album? And now that everyone and his grandmother is releasing live DVD's, were is Van Halen's DVD?

There must be tons and tons of documentairy and live material from way back to the mid 70! I would love to get my grubby hands on that!

They even could put some footage in there from their father playing in the Snip and Snap revu in Holland in the 50s :D
I absolutely LOVE the First album Love it! and Fair Warning is good too but I really dont like the Sammy stuff hell I dont really care for anything Sammy has ever done but thats a different topic hahahaha and to be completely honest I dont see myself Buying a greatest hits cd hahahaha I dont really like em
JonnyD said:
I absolutely LOVE the First album Love it! and Fair Warning is good too but I really dont like the Sammy stuff hell I dont really care for anything Sammy has ever done but thats a different topic hahahaha and to be completely honest I dont see myself Buying a greatest hits cd hahahaha I dont really like em
This is getting eeerie Jonny, I again am in full agreement with ya. WTF are you my long lost twin brother or what?? o_O
Psychonaut said:
I actually like the Sammy stuff better than the Roth. I won't buy the Best Of... when it comes out, though. Not for three songs. VH has never been my favorite band but I do respect them.
I also would vote for the Hagar era, The Red Rocker gave the noses credibilty where the Roth era was like a fucking cartoon... I will buy the Best Record when it comes out, I support the Hagar era of the band.
My fave Hagar era disc would be OU812, that record was heavy on the synths & also on the electric percussion, still you can't beat Naturally Wired, I would put that track up against something like Panama & it would smash the spandex out of it!
I like the early VH the best. My faves are VH1 and WaCF, but I do like some of the Hagar stuff too. "Black and Blue" is a cool song. I probably won't buy the greatest hits but if they put out a real album, I'll consider he purchase.

Hmmm...I just don't understand why Sammy gets a bad rap so often. While I can take or leave most of his solo stuff, I really like(d) the Van Hagar era. I'll probably buy the greatest hits, if for nothing else, to get better-mastered versions of the songs. Those old cd's are starting to sound pretty bad when compared to today's discs.

Maybe it is because I am an old guy but I think that the first album still sounds very good. It has an hard edge to it I like!
tedvanfrehley said:
Well, anyone here who knows me knows I am eternally Edward Van Halen's bitch. I will buy, and have bought, anything that they put out within all realms of financial ability.
I used to be that way, until Roth left the band and Hagar joined. I did go to see that tour but then avoided all their albums for years. I've since gone back and bought them all (very, very cheap used copies) and now have everything they've released except VHIII (and I might get that too) and the first Greatest Hits. I won't buy the second Greatest Hits either, however. I've heard the new songs and they're ok. Any new Van Halen is better than having no Van Halen.

Reviews from the tour are highly mixed. It's pretty obvious Eddie is back on the bottle and some nights it hurts his performance and other nights he's ok. I really with the guy would get it together. He's my favorite guitarist of all time but he's just limping along nowadays.
I may buy the Best Of when it comes out. I think sammy Hagar is great, but it's a completely different Van Halen with him in the band. For my musical taste, the DLR Van Halen just can't be beat - VH I, VH II, Diver Down, Fair Warning and Women and Children First...can't be beat in the VH catalog...in my opinion
USMC0341 said:
I may buy the Best Of when it comes out. I think sammy Hagar is great, but it's a completely different Van Halen with him in the band. For my musical taste, the DLR Van Halen just can't be beat - VH I, VH II, Diver Down, Fair Warning and Women and Children First...can't be beat in the VH catalog...in my opinion
:worship: Need I say more? ;)
Thanks, all for the comments!!!!!!!! I gotta say I love Sammy to death but to me DAVID LEE ROTH is Van Halen! Ed is my favorite guitarist but they were a freakin' ball of FIRE when Roth was in the band. They made albums that were FUN not political and "right now". I love Sammy in the band but they should'a just been Van HAGAR in my opinion...why tarnish the roth legacy? You really think Ed's back on the bottle?
They should get a young guy that moves like hell and sings his balls of. Trash their keyboards and make a nasty hard rock album again! Yea I know "little dreamer"...
Hawk said:
They should get a young guy that moves like hell and sings his balls of. Trash their keyboards and make a nasty hard rock album again! Yea I know "little dreamer"...

I agree. In fact, when I first heard the news they were going with Cherone I thought it was great news. The album ended up being weak, but that's due to bad songwriting and, I think, just a lack of focus and commitment from EVH and Alex. I really think it could have been awesome with Cherone to this day.