Tentative Slough Feg tour dates

Four of us from this board (myself, JayKeeley, General Zod & Lurch70) attended their headlining show in Brooklyn about a year ago. It was awful to say the least - low energy, uninspired performance and wholly unmemorable. All of us were in 100% agreement

Well, my main problem is that it just went on for too long. Again though, I wonder if I only felt that because the venue wasn't packed like it was at HC.

In reviewing your further comments, it does appear that the isolated Brooklyn performance was just that. I'll still reserve complete judgement until I see them play a full headlining set in the future, but my opinion certainly changed dramatically based on HC II.

You know, I would suspect that for Slough Feg to headline the Alehorn fest, where true metal fans congregate and fly in from all around the country, they should go down even better than they did at HC2. Can you imagine? This is their audience after all, not a pagan/black metal crowd.

@Demilich - Slough Feg are indeed bigger in Europe, but tell me a North American metal band who isn't!!
And if the crowd is small, even an isolated outbreak of MRGS can trigger a more deadly feeback-loop between the band and the audience: the low energy coming from the audience causes the band to emit less energy, which in turn brings even lower energy from the audience, and so on....

Like I said...

A band needs an audience like that to get the adrenaline flowing, and in return, the audience gets a great show. Makes perfect sense, but this is the risk you take when going to see an underground band play (outside of their local tour circuit).


Plus Zod is a mopey git. He went into the show already disliking Slough Feg and so his mind was probably already made up.

By the way, I saw the Hammers play at the same venue (with Lurch in tow), slighty few more people in the crowd, and people's jaws were hitting the floor.

Thing I don't get is why bands aren't allowed to have an off-night performance. It's like, ok I saw them once, so now I will write them off FOREVER!!! Wtf.

I would sell a kidney to see HoM and Slough Feg play in San Fran this month, and man oh man, to see Slough Feg headline the Cruz del Sur Alehorn fest would be a treat! :kickass:

Re: War Anthem;

Musically, they're spot on perfect.

Even the new lead male vocalist isn't bad at all.

But...but....that lead woman vocalist....she needs to go away. Lower your octave woman!

Chastity Rides though is a lot better. The harmonies are on key at least. This isn't one of my faves from the album, but live it works a lot better as I suspected. :kickass:

Actually, in conclusion, this is better than I expected. Give them a few more shows and they'll probably be even better.
Four of us from this board (myself, JayKeeley, General Zod & Lurch70) attended their headlining show in Brooklyn about a year ago. It was awful to say the least - low energy, uninspired performance and wholly unmemorable. All of us were in 100% agreement, including JK who is the biggest Slough Feg fan on the board. Based on that experience, I fully expected the HC II show to be more of the same. I was pretty much ecstatic to find it to be the complete 180 opposite.

In reviewing your further comments, it does appear that the isolated Brooklyn performance was just that. I'll still reserve complete judgement until I see them play a full headlining set in the future, but my opinion certainly changed dramatically based on HC II.


yeah, that was a lame gig ... especially after HOM kicking ass some months before in the same place.

BTW that venue is gone ...