Be still, O wand'rer!
from what I remember the problems with the Brooklyn show was:
- too long a lag time before they went on
- shitty openers
- not enough drinking
- way too small a crowd for a pretty big place
- band looked like they rather sleep
- too long a set
I would agree with all of that. The first 4 items are out of the bands hands so we can't blame them.
The band looked like they would rather sleep is possibly true. Maybe because the crowd reaction sucked? They were sick? We'll never know.
I definitely agree with the last point. Slough Feg are a 30 minute band. That was definitely a contributing factor to HC2 -- they played the perfect amount of time.
Put it this way, I am going to rokkk out with my cokkk out come 11/21. And yes, I will drink copious amounts of beer in time for "Sky Chariots".