Tequila appreciation thread.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I'm not even sure how far tequila gets outside the southwest US, but that be some good shit for summer drinkin. I don't do shots anymore so I don't shoot tequila, but a margarita with some cheap Sauza is one of summertime's finest treats and ain't nothin' like a small glass of Don Julio Reposado to warm the spirits (and esophagus) at night.

Nifty article:



Oh yeah before anyone brings it up, Jose Cuervo sucks. :yuk: :loco:
mexicans are everywhere nowadays, and where mexicans go, tequila goes.

however I can't say I can join in with the appreciation.
I had a party some years ago and almost went into coma with tequila. Therefore, I can't drink it anymore :D
lizard said:
that happened to me with Southern Comfort. except it wasn't a coma, it was total immersion in a vomitorium.

hehe ... same with me. A Pint of SoCo in about 20 minutes when I was 17-18 and have not touched it since.

tequila is good ... especially for getting women drunk. They love that shit at the end of the evening.
I got wasted on tequila and corona in mexico a couple weeks back. I was walking down the street shouting "where da fucking pussay at?". All while waving my ATM card in the air.

I'm a jaegermeister hombre myself.
Yeah I was just messing around, there are a few drinks I won't have anymore due to unfortunate incidents. I refused to drink scotch for 8 years because that was the first thing I got hosed off of, and I have yet to consume another tequila sunrise since the infamous Tequila Sunrise Night (long and amusing story).

I'm really selective with my liquors these days, in college I'd drink anything but now it's almost exclusively beer and whiskey.
Let's hear some good fucking drunk stories. Before I rate this thread 2 stars!

One time my chums and I were drunk as hell. My friends parents sold their house and it was empty. So we all decided to spend a fucking illustrious night getting wasted in the dark. As the night progressed, drinking games ensued. Which ofcourse always comes to close to the border of latent homosexuality. After watching 2 friends sit buck naked on a mantle. We decided to take the hullabaloo outside. Where my friend took a piss on a car. The night wasnt done as we journeyed to the middle of the blvd. My friends ran to the coffeeshop (where they filmed the opening scene to "Reservoir Dogs") and hid behind a wall, as I stood in the middle of the blvd wiggling my dingledangler for every insomniac to see. I have no shame, when it comes to my six inches of sentimentality. Anyhow the night ended by all of us camping in my buddies room. I was about 18/19 at the time. To make a long story short and get to the punchline. I had to take a piss real fucking bad. Instead of getting caught intoxicated in my friends house. I decided to just take a piss on his bedroom door. After whipping out my garden state and dousing the door with my urine, my buddy who was laying limp on the floor decided to disturb me. In hysterics I turned around and took a piss all over his upper torso as he hid under a skinny blanket waiting for a meteorologist to foreshadow a "fair sky". After this I decided to get the hell out of Dodge. I walked a couple miles home piss drunk. It was much better than the alternative...Which was to stay there and get stabbed by my buddy. (Who professed such a vile retaliation if I didn't leave the scene of the crime)

P.S I don't know if i said this story before. If so...Sorry.
One Inch Man said:
Yeah I was just messing around, there are a few drinks I won't have anymore due to unfortunate incidents. I refused to drink scotch for 8 years because that was the first thing I got hosed off of, and I have yet to consume another tequila sunrise since the infamous Tequila Sunrise Night (long and amusing story).

I'm really selective with my liquors these days, in college I'd drink anything but now it's almost exclusively beer and whiskey.

Yea I won't touch bacardi 151. It's the first drink that ravaged my insides. It makes my intestines feel like Profanitie's after a bumpy bus ride.
I had a Tom Collins night, it actually set the stage for my one buddy and I to Beware Tuesday Nights. Story time!

When my bro had a boring office job like me, we'd email back and forth nonsensical bullshit frequently. One such conversation that came up was "hey I've never had a Tom Collins before, and come to think of it, I don't even know what the fuck a Tom Collins is." So I found a recipe (lemon juice, soda water, and gin), and he got the ingredients, so we decided to have a few that night. He bought a 1.75L bottle of Bombay Sapphire (if you like gin, you'll never drink anything but this stuff), and we made a few over at his pad. Not bad, pretty refreshing, this is excellent for a hot summer evening such as this, hey let's have another!

6 hours later flash to an empty bottle and both of us passed the fuck out, his girlfriend draped a blanket over me and I yelled "HI BECKY!!!" which probably woke a few corpses laying below the ground. I found my way home around 3am and went to work the next day with a massive hangover and haven't had one since.

Good times!
So I found a recipe (lemon juice, soda water, and gin), and he got the ingredients, so we decided to have a few that night. He bought a 1.75L bottle of Bombay Sapphire (if you like gin, you'll never drink anything but this stuff),

oddly enough ... I have all those 3 ingridients right here ... including Bombay Saphire ... :kickass:

we'll be right back niggah
bingo ... not bad ... nice and smooth with a bitter taste ... some orange slice as garnish would be nice ... but killer nevertheless ...

thanks One Inch Man ... !!! :loco:
