Tequila appreciation thread.

I'm here to get everyone drunk, cheers.

I just read some recipes that called for a bit of sugar in them, I imagine that would take away the bitterness.
Tonight was beer + Jagermeister. Gah, I'm up shit creek right now over a fucking chick WTF women aren't worth heartache, fuck them shitz.

I SAID FUCK THEM SHITZ NIKKUh!!?!?!?! Now time to ask some new broad out on a beerdate tomorrow YEAH!!! Suffocate them feelings!!!!!!!1111111 :cry:

8 hour later edit: WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE BOO FUCKING HOO shut up.
ever eat the agave worm? i split it once with this chick and got totally sick from it ... my then girlfriend put a bucket by my bed that evening and I puked in it all night.

that Tom Collins was mighty fine last night ... essy to remember the ingridients too.

fill a 12-15 oz size glass half way with ice then add:

1 oz lemon/lime juice
2 oz gin
3 oz club soda

1 tablespoon sugar

add slice of orange if available.
Cabo Wabo

I hate Sammy Hagar, always have. But a bartender years ago, after I orderd some Patron, swore that Cabo Wabo was one of the absolute best tequilas on the market. I must say it is quite tasty, and at $35 a bottle, a bit cheaper than the alternative.

Gran Centenario

My favourite for the time being, but it's a bit pricey so I never buy myself a bottle. Don Julio and Cabo Wabo are half the cost and nearly as good, but I know if I ever get serious about tequila I'll probably start lining bottles of that sumbitch up.

Patron is still good. I think I've made the assumption that Patron is the Johnny Walker of tequila since EVERYBODY and their mother likes Patron, but that's unfair. Patron is a fine booze. Johnny Walker is swill.
Indeed. I've never hurled from it but I've had some really bad experiences with the tequila. Won't touch it now.
Meh, what "manly" drinks can you even make with Tequila? Even the name is feminine. It ends in an "a"!!!1
How bout a thread about moonshine.
Or pussy.
I just finished a glass of ice tea and the bottom of it smells faintly of pussy. I thought that was wierd.
Not like a just-got-back-from-a-long-jog-will-you-eat-me-out kinda smell. More like straight out of the shower, pussy-in-it's-natural-state kinda smell.
Wanted to clarify.
I drink tequila straight god dammit, just like every other booze! :mad:

Your iced tea pussy smelling reminds me of when I worked in el jardìn at K-fart, one of the cacti was overwatered and all squishy, felt just like pussy.

EDIT: I suppose I'll clarify as you did: it was of the just-been-rogered-slow-deep-and-hard-made-a-mess-on-the-sheets variety.
So apparently Nad and I are the only tequila lovers here abouts.

Cabo Wabo is better than Patron, I believe. But Patron has gone downhill sinse Cuervo took over.

Have not tried Gran Centenario. I believe my favorite is still the Don Julio, however.

And one does not make gay drinks with tequila. One pours it into a glass, drinks it straight, no fucking accessories. I like to chill a good tequila a bit, gives it some extra crispness.