Tequila appreciation thread.

I have to go drink tequila while watching Mallrats and trying to coax a handjob out of my special lady friend now, catch you Tiffanies + Necromunchkin on the flip side.

Damn fine tequila. drink straight up, of course.
Other than that, never bothered to try much, more of a gin man myself. Speaking of which, I got $40 in tips last night, and the bottle shop opens soon. I love Sundays.

Damn fine tequila. drink straight up, of course.
Other than that, never bothered to try much, more of a gin man myself. Speaking of which, I got $40 in tips last night, and the bottle shop opens soon. I love Sundays.

Yea if I had to drink Tequila, I'd go with 1800. Fuck this Cabo Wusso and Pusstron clear bullshit.
uhm, it would appear tequila is made exclusively in Mexico. Fuck Mexico.
Vodka is made in MOTHER RUSSIA
and apples grow on trees, the sky is seemingly blue, north east and south are directions, and that post was useless. :lol:
Every time iI drink tequila, i wake up in my own puke...

And for some strange reason, i seem to go bowling at some point in the night.
Vlade Divac = Razor Ramon

Scotch is my favourite booze, but that's like saying big are my favourite titties.
let me present you with some excellent lyrics from a touching song

"Mexican Cousin" by Phish

Oh tequila I turn to you like a long lost friend
I want to kiss my Mexican cousin once again
We'll cover every emotion from happiness to sorrow
And the conversations I forget you'll tell me about tomorrow
When the phone calls start, am I in bed or in a hearse?
The things you tell me about myself can't make me feel any worse
Well I'm awful sorry you got pissed
Just have to cross you off the list
Of my true friends...
And tequila's where that starts and where it ends