Votes: 30 52.6%

    Votes: 27 47.4%

  • Total voters
predator man, he has that slicey disk thing and can turn invisible and has all these sensory equipment and that fucking spear and that fucking laser gun and that fucking ROAR! and in the end he can just fucking blow himself and the terminator anyway.

the terminator is just a chunk of metal. he has no cool weapons.

however if it was versus T1000 (oh fuck that's his name right, it's been so long since i saw that movie), it would be hard to decide. t1000 would probably win since he has to be thrown into a pit of lava to die.
Holy Shit! this is the greatest subject on this board of all time! Im gonna go with Predator. even though Dutch is Arnold which is the Terminator. Its predator all the way. Predator has the Dexterity and intelligence over the Terminator. And you know that shoulder cannon of the Predator would tear up a terminators face. Hell yeah I better see like 300 posts to this in the next day.
Go predator, its self surgery for christ sake!!!
predator right away... the question would be more like predator vs alien, and there's even a series of games to judge that :p
in fact i think some hollywood company licensed the Alien vs Predator franchise for a movie... and in that case i think the predator would kick the hell out of the alien's ass, IF it was only one predator against only one alien
if it was more than one alien then preddy would probably get his ass handed in a bowl since he has no rapid fire weapons or anything to fight against lots of targets at once
at least in AvP playing as a predator against 10 aliens is hard as crap, you have to run a lot...

anyway back on topic: the predator would absolutely mop the floor with Arnie's ass
for one he has that bad ass disc like Styg said, then the spear and then the shoulder cannon etc etc etc

on the other hand if you give Arnie the minigun he had in Terminator 2... then it'd be a fair fight at least
predetor. all throughout history, the invisible one with the shoulder cannon has won, am i wrong? the predetor has the green fondue to repair himself also, so he's just way cooler and must win
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Rawr, I'm the only one who thinks the Terminator would win........
No man, I made the first vote in my poll for Terminator

A) He's a fearless relentless killing machine and won't stop or rest until he completes his objective. Predator is a living organism and tires and must rest at some point.

B) Predator has really crappy vision and his infrared visor won't show shit in this case because Terminator is a 'cold' metal machine.
T is all aware, sees all, sees through obstructions, has different modes of vision...

C) Terminator will still fight after taking damage and even losing his legs.. Predator will bleed and instantly become very powerless if severely wounded.

the following aren't really valid reasons but what the hell:

D) Arnold beat predator and the Terminator is a much more powerful Arnold : P

E) Danny Glover killed Predator for fucks sake! Danny Glover!!!

I still think it's a much debatable argument though...
the predator also has the invisibility factor and can shoot weapons while invisible. does the terminator have infrared scanners?
The contest is over before it's even started... Predator wins... hands down, for the following reasons:

1. I said so...
2. The Predator has a great range of powerful weapons that could destroy the Terminator in a matter of seconds, he has the smart weapon aka the Disc (which locks on to a target that the Pred specifies, which could easily decapitate the Terminator, and thus rendering him pretty much useless... unless he gets a job as a talking toaster. The Wristblades and also CombiStick aka Spear, melee weapons, but with the great strength and skill of a Blooded Hunter (Yes I'm a geek who likes to read the AvP novels :) ) of a Predator could again make short work of the Terminator. Plasma Pistol & Shoulder Cannon, now I'm not exactly sure how resistant the Terminator's endoskeleton would be to a plasma ball, but Predator technology seems so much more advanced made up of materials (especially metals) not of this earth that are lighter and much stronger than anything from Earth materials (which the Terminator is made from), so I'd say that he could burn a hole right through the skull of the Terminator... melting the chip and desrtoying him.
3. Terminators seem to have one track minds, which is to terminate their subject no matter the cost, so it's like a walking tanks, runs in head first, where as Predators are stealthy hunters, who like to stalk their prey and take their time waiting for the right moment to strike, plus they have a cloak generator, which bends light, making them basically invisible. So I'm saying that the Predator could easily evade the Terminator and strike a fatal blow before the Terminator has a chance to realise why the hell his skull is being mounted on a trophy wall on a strange looking spaceship :D

CONCLUSION = Predators r t3h r0x0ring d00ds ... tbh

Or I could just be totally biased towards them :)
A) He's a fearless relentless killing machine and won't stop or rest until he completes his objective. Predator is a living organism and tires and must rest at some point.

predator can easily hide from the terminator to rest (hell if humans can do it so can the predator). the predator is a fucking sniper, his job is to be hidden.

B) Predator has really crappy vision and his infrared visor won't show shit in this case because Terminator is a 'cold' metal machine.
T is all aware, sees all, sees through obstructions, has different modes of vision...

the predator has MANY detectors, he can detect light (and most likely gamma, xray, radio, whatever). im pretty sure he'll see with the xray thus providing a clear sniping shot.

C) Terminator will still fight after taking damage and even losing his legs.. Predator will bleed and instantly become very powerless if severely wounded.

the predator will run if he is injured and heal himself. as stated before, it is easy to run from the predator thus providing enough time to rest and cure wounds. the terminator on the other hand will just be hindered more freatly if he is injured, especially his legs, thus enabling an even easier target.

D) Arnold beat predator and the Terminator is a much more powerful Arnold : P

[arnold] here i am! kill me! kill me! here i am! kill me! here i am! kill me![/arnold]

E) Danny Glover killed Predator for fucks sake! Danny Glover!!!

phh movies..
Stygian_Apothegm said:
[arnold] here i am! kill me! kill me! here i am! kill me! here i am! kill me![/arnold]


NP: Arch Enemy - Heart of Darkness
I am going to explain my reason why the predator would win, by a slight different point of view. Instead of analising the capabilities of the Pred or the T2 (weapons, strenght, resistances, resourcefulness, etc).

Here it goes:

The predator is an alien species. He is far more advanced in combat than any other united states marine core operative in Iraq. If you put a fully armored hi-tech elite soldier of today against a T2, the odds would be that the soldier would have a great chance of killing the T2. Not that he would really do it, but it would be a fierce battle if the T2 fails to detect the soldier or fails to deliver a first strike. But the Predator is a far more advanced concept. In the movies we could see how they were exploring the universe for a long time, and had already won trophies of lots of outer space beings. I believe it would not be too difficult for a predator to eliminate something as a Terminator, because the T2 was something that, after all, was made by a machine, which developed some kind of artificial intelligence made by human creation. And the most important issue: The Terminator was originaly designed to "terminate" human beings in combat, not some ancient predator from a warrior alien clan of super advanced species.