Terrible mid-scooped tone in software -- how?


New Metal Member
Jun 23, 2007
so a friend and I are in the mood to create some silly goregrind, and for such a dignified project I figure we'll need a suitably dignified guitar tone. :saint:

problem is, I'm having a hell of a time doing it with what I have at hand. I'm aiming for the sound of so many local groove metal bands circa 1998 -- Peavey or Crate head with the gain dimed and the EQ at 10/0/10. Basically, if any riff I play doesn't sound like an indistinct swarm of farting bumblebees during an earthquake, I'm not doing it right. And since lurking here has given me a lot of insight on good tone, I figure maybe you guys can help me with the bad stuff.

so far I've gotten adequate results with my POD (using the 5150 sim) or Poulin's LE456 running through some of the Recabinet impulses, but I feel like I can still do better. I mean, I'm still hearing what I play. Is there a simple way to accomplish this, or am I going to have to break out the EQ and scoop it by hand? :yuk:
Yeah, you're not gonna get there with the Criminal amp sim on the POD.
Try Big Bottom because it's naturally really scooped unlike the 5150II model, mids to zero, further scoop at around 400Hz and 700 Hz via the 4 band semi parametric.
Even then you might find it'll sound middier than And Justice For All and Vulgar Display of power, so whip out the EQ you use in your DAW software, and continue to mid scoop the fuck out of things.
I just thought I would let you know that I approve of this endeavour :D