Terrible Songs You Enjoy Playing/Singing

Carpe Mortem

Benevolently Batshit
Aug 21, 2013
Not to be confused with terrible songs you enjoy listening to. I'm talking about shit that's just so distasteful, you'd almost rather not hear it... But its so fucking fun to nerd out and play or sing. Sometimes the radio plays shit, and sometimes you deal with it, and sing or play because you're really bored and feel like it.

Big one for me is that 'go home, get stoned, we could end up making love instead of misery' by whoever the fuck. I don't listen to it without singing it, because I don't actually wanna hear the shit, I just like modulating my voice in that particular way.
Anything from We Butter the Bread With Butter's first two albums are fun as fuck to growl/scream along to.
terrible doesn't begin to describe it, but it's fun to sing along while wasted

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Witchfinder General isn't terrible. They are fantastic. What da fuck?

This is my fucking karaoke jam.


and this banging song.

I hate this song but the vocals are simply amazing. I can't sing it but I try a lot because the challenge is fun:

(hope the video works because I'm not sure if I know how to fuckin embed them yet)
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I hate this song but the vocals are simply amazing. I can't sing it but I try a lot because the challenge is fun:

(hope the video works because I'm not sure if I know how to fuckin embed them yet)

Haha. :lol: This song rules so hard.

Recently, I've been into jamming this shit and attempting to dance like Paul Stanley.
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