R.i.P. Lizard
lizard said:
today, we are all English.
this man used gas attacks in iraq
so I guess thats relevant enough
the attacks are scary though
how little it takes to bring a big city into chaos
we have friends over there doing the tourist thing so it could quite easily be anyone caught in it
but no one should be surprised
the thing that makes me furious is the state ment by bush
every fucking line was a hypocritial point gainer
getting points in saying that theyre up there to deal with pollution , aids , africa etc when he's the biggest fucking problem
and those that take innocent lives are evil and trying to destroy 'our way of life'
so what does bombing the shit out of afganistan and iraq and funding isreal to bomb shoot and torture the fuck out of palistine do?
for bush to mention human rights is just plain sick
excuse my beer spelling but bush and dick will be lapping this up
they can make money out of it somehow
I am in no way condoning these attacks by the way
its fucking horrible ordinary people have to get caught up in this mess
but you can see the 'evil extremist' speak coming out already
...from the people who train these extremists