Terrorist attacks in London

lizard said:

today, we are all English.

this man used gas attacks in iraq
so I guess thats relevant enough

the attacks are scary though
how little it takes to bring a big city into chaos
we have friends over there doing the tourist thing so it could quite easily be anyone caught in it

but no one should be surprised

the thing that makes me furious is the state ment by bush
every fucking line was a hypocritial point gainer

getting points in saying that theyre up there to deal with pollution , aids , africa etc when he's the biggest fucking problem

and those that take innocent lives are evil and trying to destroy 'our way of life'
so what does bombing the shit out of afganistan and iraq and funding isreal to bomb shoot and torture the fuck out of palistine do?

for bush to mention human rights is just plain sick

excuse my beer spelling but bush and dick will be lapping this up
they can make money out of it somehow

I am in no way condoning these attacks by the way
its fucking horrible ordinary people have to get caught up in this mess

but you can see the 'evil extremist' speak coming out already
...from the people who train these extremists
Bush must have been ecstatic to have another chance to roll out his bullshit "defenders of freedom" rhetoric again...in all seriousness, this was an atrocity whose aim of intimidation will fail...I'm still going to ride the subways with no real paranoia everyday, and so will millions of New Yorkers (and Londoners after service is restored).

My deepest sympathies to those who were on the bus or caught between stations, and their families.
Britain is above it, they do have the stiff upper lip mentality because they lived through the blitz. Then the IRA were bombing on a weekly basis at one point, so we've seen this crap before with the tubes shutting down for the day. I suppose the death count is high for recent times.

Of course it was inevitable. Going to war in Iraq doesn't exactly decrease the chance of terrorist retaliation in case nobody noticed, but it was definitely timed with G8. Bush is on British soil and so it sparks the motivation.

Probably homegrown terrorists already living in England too. They'll be caught eventually, sick fucks.

About 90% of everyone I know is in London, and still haven't managed to get through to all of them...
Yeah, shit day, and here we are talking about how many reviews we've posted in the last 5 minutes like it's some race. Fucks sake.

Can't get through to people's cells, or people not returning e-mail. Family is ok, but can't account for all my friends yet.
lurch70 said:
were these bombs in the trains or in the tunnels? was that determined yet?

They were on the trains. The carriage they were in were blown up. Spoke to my a friend today and he said one blast was so big, it ripped through from one side of the tunnel to the other, exposing the other platform.

I suppose these people either left the bombs earlier (hid them somewhere) and then detonated them. Remember they used cellphones in Madrid. OR, they jumped on the train, left the bombs with a timer device, and jumped off at the station just before triggering them.
Neither the time nor the place, PJ.

Hope your friends are alright, Jay.

Another terrible tragedy. The left will say "This is why we should get out of Iraq," the right will say "This is why we should stay in Iraq," and neither's going to bring people back. Fuck me, I hate reading the news sometimes.
He's the one that put it in this fucking thread.

Regardless, on topic, today was bullshit, and unfortunately, the real culrpits, "neo cons" will get away with their agenda. A very good way to divert the public's attention to the protests that were to take place in front of G8 summit.

The propaganda of fear worked so well in US, that Britain is not far behind, and eventually, the world.

"Tell the world The New Order's here!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
They've talked about this on the radio all day, fascinating how calm all the brits are... "No big deal, it was expected, we're used to it" etc, while all swedes they talked to were "OMG IM GUNA DIIIIE MOMMY TAKE ME HOOOOOOME :cry:"
its always like that ... here in the US too ... people in fucking Kansas are more afraid of terrorist attacks than New Yorkers ... like someone is goign to bomb their fucking strip malls.
JayKeeley said:
More importantly, have we accounted for everyone yet? Anyone heard from Russell? I'll PM him as well....
He told me he's at school all through July so you probably won't hear back from him for a bit. Is his university in London? I forget.
It seems like everyone is more paranoid than the Brits. The Australian media are going crazy, putting Politicians' words out of context, inciting panic and fear in the public. It's pretty sad that it comes to this, because this is the exact sort of thing that will make the attacks persist.
One Inch Man said:
He told me he's at school all through July so you probably won't hear back from him for a bit. Is his university in London? I forget.

He goes to Imperial. It's in Central London (Kensington area), but really, anyone in the London area could have been on the tube at that time in the morning. (He lives in Cambridge when not at college.)

It's weird, I remember them saying that the explosions were at 9am - 9:30am or something like that, thinking that was past rush hour so hopefully not too many people on the trains, but then I realized it's not the US where people insist on starting work at the crack of dawn. (arf arf).
fotmbm said:
They've talked about this on the radio all day, fascinating how calm all the brits are...

Hitler -> IRA -> Al Queda...

There's always someone with a bug up their arse. So we just go down the pub, watch the footy, sing songs and be merry. :tickled:

I've never missed London more than I do now. I feel like I should be back home.