Terrorist attacks in London

When terrorism instills fear, it succeeds. It is the proverbial third party candidate of global affairs, they don't really expect to win, but they want to be a constant thorn in someone's side. To that extent they almost always succeed.
JayKeeley said:
but then I realized it's not the US where people insist on starting work at the crack of dawn. (arf arf).
Man, what is up with that. Construction dudes I can see, starting work at 6am means you're done at 2pm in time for beering. But my fellow office workers get here around 7am and leave at 6pm. Fuck that, I get here after 8 and leave right before 5 like every day, and my shit is always taken care of. Americans love to work, just as much as they hate their families. *trails off and ends with "blargu"*
One Inch Man said:
But my fellow office workers get here around 7am and leave at 6pm. Fuck that, I get here after 8 and leave right before 5 like every day, and my shit is always taken care of.

Absolutely, positively agreed. Why the hell would ANYONE want their job (unless it is a truly pleasurable job that doesn't seem like work) to dominate their entire life like that?? It is so not worth it, ESPECIALLY when you can get the work you need to get done finished during normal working hours. We have so little time in this world as it is - If I end up at a job where I do not have plenty of time to live on the outside, I won't be at that job very long.

A job is just that - a job. 95% of us do it because we HAVE to, not because we want to. I don't understand how a boss can brand someone a slacker, just because they don't come in early or stay late, even if they're getting their job done properly. Makes no sense whatsoever to me.
It's weird, I remember them saying that the explosions were at 9am - 9:30am or something like that, thinking that was past rush hour so hopefully not too many people on the trains, but then I realized it's not the US where people insist on starting work at the crack of dawn. (arf arf).


Giulliani was there also ... having breakfast by Liverpool station ... that guy is always around trouble.
Dark One said:
Absolutely, positively agreed. Why the hell would ANYONE want their job (unless it is a truly pleasurable job that doesn't seem like work) to dominate their entire life like that?? It is so not worth it, ESPECIALLY when you can get the work you need to get done finished during normal working hours. We have so little time in this world as it is - If I end up at a job where I do not have plenty of time to live on the outside, I won't be at that job very long.

Yeah, I actually work 12-15 hours a day, but it's only when I'm out on projects. The other time I spend at home so I get a massive trade-off. In the end, I'm sure it all balances out somewhat. But even the 12 hours we work, most of it is just crap like checking e-mails or sitting in meetings, but then all we're doing is going back to hotel rooms. If I had a regular job where I went home each night, I would be out the door no later than 6pm, and I would want to start no earlier than 9am.

A job is just that - a job. 95% of us do it because we HAVE to, not because we want to. I don't understand how a boss can brand someone a slacker, just because they don't come in early or stay late, even if they're getting their job done properly. Makes no sense whatsoever to me.

That's because the boss is probably a workaholic with no social or home life. The way to get to the top in this country (or so it seems) is to work like a dog. And if you're not busy, make yourself look busy.

I realized a few years ago that as long as I was getting the $$ I wanted, I couldn't give a crap about my "job title". Let's face it, we work for the $$ and not much more. As much as I like my job, it's not as if I would do it if I wasn't getting the $$.
job titles in mid level management are for workaholics that are willing to put in extra hours for a "salary" (for those outside the US ... this means that regardless if you put in 40 or 60 hours ... your pay is still the same) ... this to me is complete horseshit ... unless you are making some 6 figures or more to begin with.

they do love to salary people in the US though, especially the mid level managers, making 40-50K a year. give them a title and some authority and some pain in the ass will take the job.

meanwhile a consultant that is making 6 figures and some ridiculous hourly pay is laughing all the way to the bank.

I'll take the money over the title as well ...
Oh, is salary something not done outside the US? Shoulda figured, big business here tries to squeeze every last dime from everybody.

I'm on salary, but rarely do I work more than 40 hours a week, and I definitely take advantage of leaving early when I can get away with it. My coworkers make fun of me because I leave at 5pm every day (instead of staying later), pretty stupid.
I follow the "Fuck all of you, I'm here only for the pay" philosophy as well, so they can laugh all they want. :) No loyalty here.
One Inch Man said:
Oh, is salary something not done outside the US? Shoulda figured, big business here tries to squeeze every last dime from everybody.

I'm on salary, but rarely do I work more than 40 hours a week, and I definitely take advantage of leaving early when I can get away with it. My coworkers make fun of me because I leave at 5pm every day (instead of staying later), pretty stupid.

actually I think it's my bad ... salary is much more prevalent in Europe, but most people follow a regular work week (at least from what I remember from a few yers ago) ... the workaholic mentality has been spreading there as well though.

last job I worked for someone, at a Four Seasons hotel in Manhattan, as a manager, I was expected to come in half hour before the staff and stay "at least" one hour after they leave ... daily. now mind you, I had nobody under me ... as there were 2 people in my dept, my higher up manager and me ... it was micromanagement at its finest. :erk:
Britain is above it, they do have the stiff upper lip mentality because they lived through the blitz. Then the IRA were bombing on a weekly basis at one point, so we've seen this crap before with the tubes shutting down for the day. I suppose the death count is high for recent times.

well the 'mainland' got to watch belfast being ripped to fucking shreds for quite some time before england was hit, I think the IRA realised that to make the english take real notice they'd have to bomb england, hit them where it hurts and all that.
of course they just scapegoated the first paddys they could find and beat confessions out of them....
hmm nothing much changes

my earlyest childhood memory is sitting playing in my front garden in belfast (aged about 4-5) when the IRA bombed oxford street bus station in belfast
....my father was one of the people who had to deal with shovelling the reamains of people into bags

I think the brighton bomb was the biggest statement they made
they nearly took out the whole concervative government

but remember from the 70's it was donations from america that funded the IRA in their 'struggle'.....thanks for that :erk:
Funny you guys talking like this about jobs...I got a bollocking yesterday for giving a customer napkins when they only ordered drinks...apparently we're only supposed to give them to customers who order food, to save on paper costs :rolleyes: for crying out loud, McDonalds makes £xbillion and I'd have to be dishing out napkins by the handful to everyone I saw for our ONE store to have to order just the one extra box, which would have shit-all impact on our costs anyway. Three bits of paper in a bag isn't worth blinking at. Stupid woman might as well have told me to stop flushing the toilet to save on water :rolleyes: I really could not give a FUCK how much I cost the company, I just turn up to earn some £, do what's required of me and leave.
WTF !?!?!?!?!?!?

THis just from CNN ...

Birmingham, England, police evacuating the city after intelligence suggested some type of threat, the switchboard operator said.

Evacuating the city??????
My mate's keeping me updated on that...Sky News seem to be on the ball on that one, they got a little story on their website, nothing on CNN or BBC. He's watching the channel (I only have terrestrial TV)...he says they've gone from 30,000 people evacuated to 200,000 :erk:

Also, the blasts in London have gone from being spaced out over the hour to the train bombs being 'almost simultaneous'. Dunno how that worked out...
200K is bullshit btw. My mate just said that the reporter said she read the number out wrong :rolleyes: it's 20K.
Crimson Velvet said:
Well, the point of terrorism is to cause fear, and they certainly succeeded in that.

Not a chance. I'm fucked if I'm going to behave any differently because of this, I'm going to use the tube tomorrow just as I usually would. And if I wasn't in Scotland for five weeks I would have used it on the 8th as well, without a second thought. That seems to be the attitude of nearly all of my friends as well.

JayKeeley said:
He goes to Imperial. It's in Central London (Kensington area), but really, anyone in the London area could have been on the tube at that time in the morning. (He lives in Cambridge when not at college.)

Thanks for the thought. I was up in far North-western Scotland for the last five weeks doing fieldwork for my uni course. One of my friends was less than 300m from the bus when it exploded tho :erk: