Terrorist attacks in London

This hardly feels like a year ago now :o Nothing seems to have changed, everyone just uses the tube without a second thought - the only time I've been worried is when I was on a tube with a guy who was reading the Koran aloud and crying at the same time. :tickled: Still I doubt there will be much else on our news today.

lizard said:
if you're crying while reading your verses, it must not be giving you much peace of mind, unless you are crying with joy :)

The funny thing is, 80% of muslims who have read the Quran haven't understood a single word. You're taught how to read Arabic (not understand the language), so basically they just read/recite in parrot fashion.

Granted, some books come with translations on the opposite page. And most people just learn the religion based on what the imam preaches at the mosque. This religion is SO open to interpretation it couldn't be more flawed.
the koran is apparently really difficult to translate, a lot of implied meanings and whatnot just don't translate to other languages

JayKeeley said:
Why would you worry? If he's a religous man then surely he supports peace, love, and harmony.
haha touché

for the record i would have shit my pants :lol:
JayKeeley said:
Why would you worry? If he's a religous man then surely he supports peace, love, and harmony.

Haha, yes, and that's why we have so many religious wars (Israel, right now, anyone?), Islamic extremists killing people, fundamentalist Christians being dicks, and misled Hindus performing human sacrifice in remote parts of India in the world. Any kind of overt religious display like that makes me uncomfortable - irrespective of the religion - as such strong beliefs tend not to be associated with an otherwise healthy worldview.
Scary thing is how many people get on the tube with bookbags and briefcases -- no metal detectors. I guess it's a choice of be safe or be late

Good thing I flew to Dublin yesterday as I heard there was a bomb threat at the airport today that caused massive delays
Dick Sirloin said:
Scary thing is how many people get on the tube with bookbags and briefcases -- no metal detectors. I guess it's a choice of be safe or be late

Considering how popular the entire network is (3 million passengers a day, or soemthing like that?) it would be impossible to screen every single piece of luggage, plus - as July 7th proved - all you need is a rucksack, so it wouldn't even help. Plus I can't say that worries me, it's hardly like it's unsafe without, there's still a pretty stron police presence at all the major stations...
But the fact remains that anyone can take anything in at any time with basically no restriction
JayKeeley said:
Welcome to the jungle. City life has both risk and reward. :grin:

See, this is what I don't get, I've heard people say this before, but I'd hardly call it a risk. Say you had a terrorist attack every year (which clearly isn't the case) in which 52 people died. Tube carries 3 million passengers a day, that's 1095000000 a year, so the risk of dying from a terrorist attack is 1/21057692. Absolutely negligeable in my opinion.
Russell said:
See, this is what I don't get, I've heard people say this before, but I'd hardly call it a risk. Say you had a terrorist attack every year (which clearly isn't the case) in which 52 people died. Tube carries 3 million passengers a day, that's 1095000000 a year, so the risk of dying from a terrorist attack is 1/21057692. Absolutely negligeable in my opinion.

Of course, but then don't forget all terrorist activity that is either foiled or screwed up (stuff that you never hear about). The IRA used to plant dud explosives and then call the police to disarm it. It was just a display of being able to kill at will, on their terms, at their convenience. Same reason why you don't get trash bins on the tube platforms anymore.

I do agree though -- I just find it funny that the people who worry about terrorism the most are the same folks that live in the middle of nowhere, completely out of the way of any potential target. In America, these places are called "red states". :loco: