Terrorizer error!!!!

Originally posted by MindMorgue

Do you have any particular reason for saying that or are you just naturally extreamly pesamistic? :)


well i've noticed that subtly throughout the months more main stream bands have crept into the magazine. its not that i dont like main stream bands (although i only like a few) but if this goes on then maybe it will turn out like another kerrang :mad: , i like Terrorizer because it has less main stream/MTV stuff in it, but i understand it cant make money advertising ''unknown bands''. but on that point, i've never seen a Kerrang reader buy Terrorizer, have you?
No, but then I try not to associate with lower lifeforms like kerrang readers.

I think they often have the more mainstream bands that they cover on the cover (if that made sense) but I havn't really noticed the contents going more mainstream. I think with bands like slipknot they feel that they are extreame enough for them to get away with covering whilst maintaining credability. Ultimatly I don't believe they will sell out and go all mainstream as the writers do seem to believe in what they write about (unlike fucking metal hamster).

Terrorizer has been going for quite a long time now, I doubt it's readership is getting smaller so I would have thought the financial model has proven to be viable.

i dont even usually buy magazines anymore...:( the ones i can easily get are all bullshit mainstream bands. to get a terrorizer i have to drive like 30 minutes away, which is ok by me but grrr....
i went and looked in the bookstore in my town yesterday and the best it got was a WASP and judas priest article in a magazine... i dont recall which magazine it was. distraught, i went back to work (in a cd store) and like the next five people bought either a puddle of mud or drowning pool cd.....and then kids came in saying they liked underground metal like slipknot and static X....AAAAHHHGGG!!!!!! well, i sent them out of there with the identity 5 cd, and felt a little better....maybe theyll like it! i hope so.

does anyone know any good metal zines out there focusing on this genre, bands like katatonia and opeth and so on and so forth? i have some eclipses and lamentations of a flame princesses. i think lamentations even had a list of other metal zines, but i was wondering if there were any out there someone could personally reccomend- ones that are actually printed?
in ressurection records in camden there are unknown magazines sold (unknown meaning you dont get em in a news agents). i saw Lacuna coil on the cover of one of them and there were loads there, i think some very underground.
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Living near Camden must be so cool! Grrrrrrrrrr....... :waah:

:lol: , you really have it in for me :) , but Camden is really crap/depressing unless you like Slipknot/nu-metal :cry: , its just for 12 year olds now and old hippies. oh well at least its got the drag strip and the underworld, thats about it. (oh and on other news, The Gathering are starting up a new record label, not that anyone cares :loco: )
Originally posted by _Transparent_
:lol: , you really have it in for me :) , but Camden is really crap/depressing unless you like Slipknot/nu-metal :cry: , its just for 12 year olds now and old hippies. oh well at least its got the drag strip and the underworld, thats about it. (oh and on other news, The Gathering are starting up a new record label, not that anyone cares :loco: )

I do indeed. Its cos ur a lucky git! I still go there to get clothes and stuff, u just have 2 search slightly more :loco: Cool about the gathering
Kerrang readers can't read 'rizer because it's written in a much higher level. Just compare the length of the features in both 'zines and HOW it is written...

I got Terrorizer vol.14 CD yesterday and I have to say Emperor are great, while I needed more than 4 spins for My Dying Bride(it's so bloody dark and Trinity-esque) but liked it eventually,
and I'm sad I have to admit the new Borknagar stuff is crap - the production is crap, the vocals are crap, the whole song is shite!