Test2/New Amp Sim

I´ll look into that tomorrow.

What I´m trying to do here is to find a good sounding setting - with the tone controls set at noon - by adjusting values of "caps and resistors" in the tone stack.
I could easily adjust the treble to 2 o´clock and mids/lows to 10 o´clock in order to get closer to the tone you´re suggesting (or I could use the great EQ in Logic) but I´ll try to fix it tweaking the circuit in the tone stack.
Thanks once again for replying!

The thing is that I´m away from home, with no guitar, interface etc to play thru this sim, so I can´t tell how it responds to dynamics.
The only way to test it is by using DIs.

Still that part of the design is out of my hands, but I´ll report back to the developer.