Testament Live Anthology/Legacy

Sep 13, 2002
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I made a thread before called "Testament Live DVD" (Here is a link: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=58124 ) where I asked if there will be a Testament live DVD released in the future.
Deadly Embrace said that there is a plan to release a video from the Gathering tour with an original Gathering line-up. That's cool. But I also suggested another idea about Testament releasing a set of live DVDs/VHSs which would consist of Testament earliest shows up until now. A user named hiddenlegions developed the idea further. And I suggested also a title "Testament Live Anthology 1988-2002".

So how many of u would like to see that happen?

Since Deadly Embrace has a huge archive of live Testament shows, I don't see why it couldn't happen. The highest levels of Testament (Chuck & Eric) just have to approve it and their management too. :)

Like Deadly Embrace said before, "what good are these shows for if nobody can enjoy them except me"
I think that would be a great idea. I honestly have to say that I have never seen TESTAMENT live. And being that I live in S. Carolina, I may never get to.............:mad:

I would definatly buy a "LIVE" box set, not a studio set, cuz I already have all the cds, plus 2 greatest hits cds.:u-huh:
It would be awesome :D Id like to see stuff like where they recorded the albums and all that kind of thing if theres any footage of that, I really like watching stuff like that, the "A year and a half in the life of Metallica" videos are some of my favourite ones ever, so something along the lines of those would be awesome, I dont know how feasible that would be though, or if theres even footage of any of the albums being recorded, but the idea is out there now :D
Oh hell yeah. That would be awesome to see them in the studio , candid video of the band. It always humanizes the band when you get to see them like that. That's what I love about "Seen Between The Lines". If there was one with the current line up that would be great because the band is completely different from that time period. I guess we could always take a poll and see how many of us would lay down the cash if it was offered. This way they might consider it and see the demand. <shrug> I'll be happy with whatever they choose to release as I know they want to put out a quality product for the fans to enjoy. A good example of that is the Dragonlord bootleg. That thing kicks ass.
Stand By, we are talking about it now, & the news will be good.
Yes there will be more Testament/DeadlyEmbrace Video's that will be made available from the this TL Web Site, & sold on Tour. At least 2 are for sure coming up soon. But more are being discussed, which shows, from which tours, whats the best this & that, Etc...........Peoria(80 to 90 minutes long)is being edited(not Much needs to done) this week, & artwork & packaging, still to go. It will be a VHS, & hopefully be available this coming Mini-Tour(no promises). Eric, the manufacturing Company, & I are trying to make it happen in time for 12-27 in Portland. This will include backstage pre-concert, & parts of Soundcheck, with crew clips also.
The second Video will be what I think is the best from The Gathering Tour, Tokyo, Japan. It is the full concert of the previously released song "Dog Faced Gods"(Testament first Strike Still deadly inhanced CD, Japan Version). The line-up was, Peterson, Billy, DiGiorgio, Smyth, & Steve Jacobs(ex-Forbidden, Man Made God) Drummer.
Does that meet with your approval MidLife?.......I know you'll quote me down the line, so I'm being careful & honest with the progress...........................
And when we do have these available on Tour, we will being playing it on a small TV-VCR(combo), right at the Merchandise table. That way everyone can see what they are buying. Or just hang out & check it out while your inbetween bands, or looking at the shirts & other Merchandise. These are not regular Bootlegs, but a higher quality bootleg, shot digitally & excellant looking, with full production & lighting.
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
Stand By, we are talking about it now, & the news will be good.
Yes there will be more Testament/DeadlyEmbrace Video's that will be made available from the this TL Web Site, & sold on Tour. At least 2 are for sure coming up soon.

HELL YEAH!!!!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

But more are being discussed, which shows, from which tours, whats the best this & that, Etc...........

Since u guys started from the late 90's Testament shows, u should go and release the video's in the chronologic order until u get to the first show in 88' which u shot DE.

Does that meet with your approval MidLife?.......I know you'll quote me down the line, so I'm being careful & honest with the progress...........................

Of course it does DE!!! :grin: I'm really looking forward to it. :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: It's cool u guys are gonna release A LOT of Testament bootleg videos from THE ARCHIVES. It will be worth it. :)
I hope this will eventually happen some time (or were the video boots already being sold in December? I have neither seen any of them during the no mercy, nor in Warsaw in August). I'd surely buy even 10 DVDs or VHSs (especially that I've never had the opportunity to buy any testament bootleg), if they would release so many... It would be cool to see lots of live stuff from the early days (Dynamo?) through each tour they've done over the years (Wacken'03). Plus some well-done band's history on video- a lot of bands do that and it might be pretty interesting.
I'm just curious if there are some videotaped shows before '88. I know that's when DE started filming the concerts, but had no testament gig been ever recorded before that?