Nice pics Neb - I remember ya from the instore I think!!
What a show. I'm pretty sure that "Raging Waters" wasn't played last night though.
The thing I liked was how pumped everyone was for this last night - it definitely gave the band the message that this was long overdue I'm sure.
Even the things like the "DIE DIE DIE" at the start of "New Order" - the crowd was screaming every single word of even things like that. Way cool.
The sing along part in "Alone in the Dark" was very cool too, and hilarious how Chuck said "everyone who has the Live in London DVD will know what to do", only to realise they didn't do it on that DVD, and have the rest of the band bag him out for it haha.
The guys were so awesome with us at the instore too I gotta say. Really appreciate meeting someone you look up to and have them treat you so well. Wanted to talk to them all a lot more than I did, but didn't wanna hold the line up either, so kept it pretty quick.
Will post up my instore photos in a sec.
Took some live ones, but the lighting was too dark, so none I could use.
THANKS for coming out guys, and I cannot wait til you are here again!!