Testament Management's Statement re Eric's accident, 6/15/04

Hy Guys!

Yesterday I visited Eric again in the hospital.
He is well and will fly home tomorrow.

I also took a picture of him.
Look at the exclusive picture under
www.dark-matter.tk - Interview Testament.

Best Greetz
Thanks, Dominik. It's great to see that EP is finally coming back, and that he was in good enough spirits to take a silly pose. Here's another get well wish to the Dragonlord.

You rock EP :rock:
Thanks Dominik for posting that pic of the riff-master (i couldn't read the interview either) :D . That completely sucks to be in that position, but I'm positive Eric will get well SOON.

Eric, Hang in there dude, before you know it, you'll be getting back to making music and this will all be behind you. All the Testament Legions are behind you getting well and tearing it up ! No more platform KISS shoes for you ! :muahaha:
thanks for the picture and interviews. it's good to see Eric in a relatively good shape as well as to read something about the new record... it's interesting to hear something like: "it's gonna be a relatively modern album, a mixture of Hard Rock and Metal with a little bit less Thrash, but without losing the Testament feeling to it"...so they're doing something different again...while everyone's been expecting "The Gathering II", I'm so glad there's gonna be something surprising in their music again...as always. Too bad we'll have to wait for it til next year, though...if I understood the German words correctly, that is