Testament @ Oxford O2 Academy 19/02/09


Miserable English Bastard
Apr 20, 2003
Milton Keynes, England
Fucking awesome show - England's very own Thrash merchants ONSLAUGHT were support and certainly held their own with a set very "complimentary" (in terms of style) to Testament - I hope Testament take Onslaught out with them again when they come to the UK next time cos they're a damn good match for one another!

Testament were simply mind blowing in terms of perfomance especially in a small venue such as the Academy! Guys are definitely on top of their game at the moment and its not hard to see why they are the ones impressing people the most on the Priest Feast shows!
"Tight" just isnt enough to describe the performance - it was precision and a total battering for the 80-90 mins they played!

I took my usual spot in front of "GOD" aka Alex and I never get bored of watching the guy play and he reaffirmed last night why he is still the best shredder in metal with his performance - obviously not taking away anything from Eric, Greg or Paul who was absolutely amazing too! Chuck is always Chuck and I dont think he has ever delivered anything less than 200% in the many shows I have seen over the years. The one thing that is blatantly obvious is that this line up looks and plays the most "together" than any other over the years and certainly I get the impression that Chuck is enjoying himself far more than ever before! One downside - NO Trial By Fire...

Anyhow - here is the set played and I'll thrown up a few pics and video a little later once I've uploaded em!

BTW - new merch is killer too - the Green shirt is ace!!!


Let There Be Death
Angels Of Death
Destroyer Of Worlds
Metal Forces
Seeds Of Hate
Power From Hell
Killing Peace

TestAmenT set:

For The Glory Of...
Over The Wall
The New Order
The Haunting
Electric Crown
More Than Meets The Eye
First Strike Is Deadly
3 Days In Darkness
Practice What You Preach
Into The Pit
Souls Of Black
Alone In The Dark
Disciples Of The Watch
Formation Of Damnation
Sounds like a killer show. Thanks for the review and setlist. Looks like the guys are changing things up quite often.