Testament show on November 2nd

Originally posted by midlife crisis
if u are going to that show Testament Legions and/or Deadly Embrace, is there a possibility for u guys to film some of the concert and put on a www.testamentlegions.com something like 5-10 min concert clip? That would be awesome :rock:

5-10 minute clip. -That's a cool idea.

_NOW_, I think Testament should film their set
and put it on a home video. It's been a long time
since Testament put out a home video.
They are the band of the bay area.
OUR band of the bay area, not those metalli-homos.

Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
Hey, were still waiting on that clip............Webmistress

YEAH! I know I'd LOOOOVVEEE to see that :)

-OfficerNice.....the next member of Voivod.
Originally posted by Imagikafan
No disrespect to Tommy Merry, but why is a Satriani clone opening for Testament?


I called the office and found out what the deal is.
Satriani is just way toooo expensive to hire for the show,
so they got the clone for a better deal. I think he brings his
own beer and chips. :)


-OfficerNice....the next member of Voivod
So wasn't this the first show they've done since Chuck recovered ...How'd it go ?? How many songs did they play anyway.... etc.