Testament Tour Dates 2008

Hey Ms. A,

Will Testament be releasing off dates when the H&H tour dates are released? I'd rather just try and catch them on an off date as opposed to paying a large price for the H&H tour to see them for 30 minutes (I love H&H but could care less about Priest and Motorhead honestly). I'm not rich so the difference between an $80 ticket and $30 is a lot of money! Let me know, thanks!
What about this???


That would be soooooooooooo awesome to see those two bands together!!! :kickass:
I just read that Testament will be playing Montreal.

Damnation shall soon be here in the metal capital :kickass:

The new album is outstanding. My top three songs are:

1. The Persecuted Won't Forget (I get goose bumps listening to this song)
2. The title track (Brutal and Massive)
3. The Evil has Landed (Awesome rhytm and solo)

All the songs are killer on this album. Without a doubt this is the metal album of the year. Nothing will come close to matching this.