Testing Mix fun 2.0 x50

Not bad man. I would try making the tone a little bit brighter and bringing the drum bus down a bit as I think they could glue a bit better. Any info on those drums? Particularly the snare and toms.
Thanks for listening man. Here is an update! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2255790/In Due Time poop will come-013.mp3
+ exciter https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2255790/In Due Time poop will come-016.mp3

As for drums, it's mainly S2.0. the snare is the nir z custom with about 12 eqs and a compressor.
One thing i think that helped with my sound is that for the overheads i didn't use the OH mic in S2.0.
I used a combination of the medium and far away mics to do that and sent the OH mic to a bus.
Only kept the Snare Kick and toms in it and eqd and compressed for a more realistic sound. Or at least i hope haha.
but yeah same for the toms, compressed first then eqd a bit, also there the D82 sonic maximizer on them. I just liked how it sounded.