Testing my new ENGL Savage 120


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2017
Might be the best amp I’ve ever played. Here’s a test run I did using my Torpedo Reload and Wall of Sound cab IRs. Any other Savage owners on here? How do you guys dial yours in?

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This is a nice amp indeed!

The way I setup mine is roughly like that : I also use channel 4, with the main gain knob (channel 3) at 3 o'clock and lead gain at 1 o'clock

Bass at around 1:30 to 2.
Mid at 12 o'clock.
High at 12:45 to 1.

I use the lead boost and depending if it's a solo or rythm I'll push or not the contour button.

I never use the rough/smooth switch.

Never use depth boost either.

Finally, I have Presence at about 10:30 I'm surprised that looking at your picture, you have it setup so high. I mean, if you have a new gen Savage, they are already quite bright versus older versions. But anyway all in all, it seems we set it up similarly.
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Something that is perhaps good to know, older generation ENGL Savage have a lot more bottom than the newer ones.

I think it has something to do with a change of transfo between gens, but dialing an 10 year old ENGL Savage is completely different.

You can notice it by the color of the power switch. If it's Orange, it's an older one. If it's Red, it's a newer generation.

You can get great tones with any of these. Some prefer the older ones because of the huge amount of bottom, but since you will most likely cut a good portion of it using an EQ in the mix... I don't know if it's that awesome.
That is indeed a fun fact. I feel like this amp has a shitload of bottom end as well. This isn’t actually brand new. It’s new to me, but I believe it’s a 2014 model. I do however engage the depth boost but I haven’t had any issues with the low end getting out of hand in my mix. I do however like to crank the presence to bring out the pick attack.
Well, with the Depth switch activated, it does have a shit ton of bottom. A bit too much for me as a matter of fact. I would have loved to have a depth knob instead of a switch, like they have on the Invader.

I prefer the raw tone of the Savage to the one of the Invader, but that depth knob on the Invader is just magical.
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I was pretty close to snagging an Invader. A depth knob would certainly be nicer than a button for sure!
Had an Invader 100, but finally switched for the Savage.

The Invader 100 is a great amp by all means, but I was more going for the Savage tone than that of the Invader. I think it sounds a bit more compressed, less organic. The Savage is "raw" if I you know what I mean.
Love me the Savage. My favorite amp ever. I generally dial it in with the gain at 12 oclock (I use a TS into it), bass and treble at 12 oclock, mids at 9 oclock, rough mode always, and contour on always. Sometimes I use the depth switch, TBH it's my least favorite part of the amp because I kind of wish there was a middle ground between it being on or not. I generally have it on, but sometimes the lowend is a bit much, but I guess I can just EQ the excess out.