Texas Hold'em...?


His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
Its 6 am and ive been playing for for about 4 hours on Pokerstars. anyone else feel like hitting up a table either in pokerstars or yahoo, doesnt matter to me?

let me know
aim s/n: warheartwsc
i mean jesus....who the fuck wants to bet in quarters?!?!?!

not to mention the sound effects are shit. i like simple sounds to give me notice, not ones that piss me off

chris moneymaker knew what he was doing when he used pokerstars
A while back I decided to try online poker. Didn't take me long to lose interest. Got tired of people who learned how to play by watching TV and would go all-in like crazy on weak fuckin hands and pull 3 miracles out of the deck. Yea, luck is a part of it, but not THAT much. Someone's all-in at least every third hand. Skilless waste of time when these morons change it from strategy to lottery.
all-ins are a huge part of poker....what i hate are the people who go all in preflop. they are the ones who ruin online poker. its every hand for them, they figure theyll have only one caller, and then at that point they have a 50% chance of winning. thats why i try and pick the hands i play wisely
That's the problem I had. Pre-flop. When there are 4 or 5 idiots like that at one table, you're guaranteed to have to go through a few of them. It just got too irritating, there were always a few at every table. Sure, I'd get out of the way with nothing, but eventually you have to call them with KK or AKs, and with as often as they did it I got pretty tired of dropping big hands to a small pocket pair hitting a set, or 85os hitting a straight.

People play reckless as hell when their money isn't physically in front of them. Nobody at the tables pulls half the shit I've seen online. Hopefully the craze started by TV coverage will start to die off and online play will be an option for me again sometime.
see, i dont play online for money. just for fun. i will play small games here in my apt though for small buyins tournament style...but im not big on losing my money to a game
I only played a little bit for cash online before it became obvious it wasn't going to be worth it. I played a while before that in the play-money rooms on some sites, but got pissed at that too. PartyPoker had a long tournament a while back for a Ferrari F430. I made my way through the tens of thousands of people and all the daily/weekly Qualifiers and Sattelites to get to the main event (around 500 people), and there was collusion at the tables. The site didn't have any officials monitoring anything. I e-mailed the fuckers and had them pull the chat logs from 2 of my tables and all I got was a "Sorry for the inconvenience" e-mail. They refused to take any action. Sorry ass company... That was the last I played online.