Opeth car decal

Apr 23, 2006
hey guys,
i am lookin for a place that will sell me a large opeth "O" for my back windscreen, ive tried the net but run out of places to look. I live in melbourne, australia, so the place would have to be within a resonable distance.
If anyone else has any other ideas of what i could to to "opeth my ride" let feel free to put forward some suggestions.:headbang:
there is a guy in New Zealand i think that makes opeth decals. he has them on ebay a lot. i was considering buying one but it was so big i wouldn't be able to see out whatever window i put it on. but im considering getting one for one of the window's in my room
well...looks like ill have to get it made, it might be a while, gotta pay off the car first, ill post it as soon as i get it
lol funny to see this pop up again, yeah theres a person from New Zealand that can do them, if i remember right their ebay name was "thetradingpost" or something, same as their name where i got it on trademe.co.nz, they did an awesome job, and it was the whole Opeth logo too, high quality amazing how well its lasted, and all for $30NZ. i have a little version on my car, but my mate who i got the huge one for does indeed have it across the back window and it looks great


Heres the person's ID on trademe, im sure if you get in contact with them they can sort something out(you might have to join trademe and use the question section to inquire)

I had one...though I sold the car and I asked the guy if he could take the back window out and put it on the new car. Though it wouldn't have worked..Olds vs Mazda. But I have seen a couple places on the net that make them.
If anyone finds one of those customy decal places, I've got a vector-enlarged transparent-background HUGE 'peth logo .gif (it's like, 5k px wide) if it would help.
You can also simply check ebay.....there are always people that sell many many car decals. I was writing a few of them that i need the Opeth bandlogo. Well and one of them made one for me.....really no big deal!