Farewell/Adios etc. etc.

being able to quickly search and discover new bands through mp3s on the internet is the best thing that happened to underground music genres in general. Its how i found opeth.

p.s. some people here take themselves way too seriously.

"opeth.com".. how lame is that
The forum getting worse thing sounds like another elitest claim to me. Fuck get over it, the music has changed this place has changed. If ya don't like it start a Opeth before 2003 forum and fuck off. There is far to much bitching about pointless things on here.
i for one think moon is pretty kewl, he's the only person who has replied to anything i have said i think. he deserves the position if not based solely on his knowledge than of him being a neat guy in all, even though some people might see things differently, all things change, it's the way of life, and if you don't want to be a part of life, then get out of it. my 2 cents, moon for pres. '06
how dare you differ in opinion. shouldn't they have spoken to moonlapse about these views that were not agreed with? unless they did so, but i dont recall moonlapse saying so. nevertheless, i hope for the best.
WTF:OMG: Has Opeth.com (whoever that is) losts their minds. They are never getting a better mod than Moonlapse.

This shit smells of money. First opeth join RR, now this!!!

WTF has happened to the band I love.